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Esteban Ocon
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So, straight out, please.
OK, Verstappen six seconds behind. I think still on a slow lap there. 13 second gap in front.
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I have understeer at turn 5 and oversteer at turn 8.
OK, so first car pushing is a Clare, he's at turn 2. I don't have the shift lights or they are delayed massively, so... OK, understood, we're looking at that. Have a look at this, please. Yep, understood. Still 7th and 8th to sync. We need recharge back on, please.
You're completely wrong. Okay, understood. Stand by, mate.
OK, Esteban, we've cleared traffic behind. If you want to try a lap as it is, find otherwise box and we'll see what we can do. We don't have a fix at the moment.
OK, so I'm recharging. We're going to box this lap. I think we know what the problem is there. Sorry, that was not helpful there. Yeah, but better maybe I finish the run. No, I don't know. Just continue on a slow lap for the time being, please. I'll let you know on traffic. We're clear at the moment.
I can't hear the engine, that's the problem. We think we might be able to go for a fix, that means it will fix it now during the run, so standby please. Let's keep continuing our slow-ups as we normally would do.
OK, Span, can we fail A, 2-A, please? Fail A, 2-A. OK, so 11 presses on the right.
OK, so hopefully that will bring it back now. Yep. Perfect. OK, so that will bring everything back in line. The diff wasn't working as expected either. So we'll look for a permanent fix when we're back in the garage next, but for the moment this will work. So let's go for a second cool-up and then push next time as well. Cars behind signs on an outlap. Everyone else on slow laps. Pierre's first lap, 18.1. He didn't have the same issue.
Can you give me the right scenario? Yes, so if you want to do another lap scenario 8, as you did before, scenario 7 is fine for one lap on the medium. Stock 6? Stock 6, yes. Stay stock 6. Copy. There was quite a lot of front end in the car now. Okay, understood.
So the diff was very, very open, pretty much everywhere, so that will cure a lot of the understeer we think. Okay, so we've got Sainz starting a time lap now, six seconds back.
Watch for Sainz. Time lap 2 seconds.
OK, so we've got one more sensor fail to do. It's fail A, 2B. Fail A, 2B.
Okay, that looks good to me. That's just going to help with diff control as well.
Okay, so car behind Fernando on an outlap, 17 seconds.
Okay, mate, so temps are looking good here. We're clear of traffic behind as well. 16 second gap in front. Let's go for another push lap.
Just need to recharge off and we're ready.
Leclerc and Norris starting time-lapse behind lane number 3. I'll try and not give him a tow if we can. Correction, Norris boxed, so clear behind now.
OK, mate, hopefully a bit better on that second lap. We're going to box now and do a practice pit stop. Any comments, please?
Your rideway is much better. I don't want nothing good enough, probably. OK, very good. Ben? There is some shit on the straights. Some debris or something. Understood. Which straight is that, please? The main straight. OK, understood. We'll speak to FI about that.
Okay, so have a think about balance. Main limitations on the way in. We'll have a chat in the garage, we've got plenty of time. Clear of traffic behind. Pierre's second lap on the medium 17.82 and you were 17.85, so very close. We'll have a look at the overlay when you're backing up as well.
OK, so box now, please box now. Practice pitstop, no launch.
Turn in. OK, no launch, no launch.
OK, Matt, so we'll get some comments when you're plugged in.
Go straight out, please, straight out.
It's red. OK, stop at the end then. It should be green, I would believe. Don't cross the red line. OK, session's going to start in 30 seconds. A bit of a mistake on the message system, seemingly. So, 20 seconds to wait now.
10 seconds to go. So front tyres a little cooler than the rears. Concentrate front warm-up. 5 seconds.
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Okay, so we'll introduce weaving down to 14 and then down to 17.
OK, so last bit of weaving down to 17. We just need brake 3. Brake 3 now. Recharge off. And let's push.
OK, Sven, recharge on. OK, so we've got Hamilton starting a time lap six seconds behind. Now, Sven, what we're going to do is box at the end of this lap, stop in the pit box and then do a launch from there. No changes to flap unless you want one, but we won't be changing tyres, but we need to do a launch to accept the clutch. At the top! Traffic, two seconds, Hamilton.
I'm struggling with understeer at turn 2, turn 7, turn 6. Okay mate, understood. So initially we could drop diff mid. If you'd like some extra flap, we could do that in the stop. Would you like that? Yeah. Okay, understood. So we're going to box this lap. We're going to adjust the front wing. An extra turn question? Yes, one turn. Understood. Okay. Norris, six seconds, tight lap. When you stop for the flap adjust, we need a proper launch from the box, please. Not just a normal pull away, a full-on launch. Three seconds to Norris.
OK, so box now, please.
OK, next car, Hulkenberg, seven seconds, time lap.
Four seconds, Hulkenberg. Box now. Stop on the marks for a flap adjust and a launch, please.
OK, perfect. Should be clear pit exit.
So, seven seconds behind Ricardo. He should be on a second cool-up, I believe.
Sainz high fuel run in the car behind now, five and a half.
Sainz, three seconds. Time lap.
Next car pushing behind Stroll, five and a half.
Stroll three and a half seconds.
And seven seconds behind Stroll is Perez on high fuel.
Perez, six seconds, light fuel.
Perez, 4 seconds high fuel. If he comes past, he's got a big gap behind him. No other traffic.
OK mate, so no traffic behind. Just need good drive through the last two corners to prep the surface. And brake three now, please. Correction, you're already there.
Let's make that gap to Perez. No traffic behind gap. Seven seconds now.
Norris will be starting a time lap this time behind him in lane 3.
Okay, clear traffic behind. We're going to box now. We've got a bit of clear track. Can we go aero P4 after turn 4, please, if you can? No short notice. Aero P4. No traffic behind.
We should go back on the roll stiffness. Understood. We're all prepped to do that.
OK, Hamilton timed lap 6 seconds. We're going to box now. Keep your pace up on the in-lap. I advise a bit more time.
Hamilton, four seconds time lap. Clear behind him.
Hamilton, two and a half, timed.
Clear of traffic behind. Box now please. Practice pitstop, no launch.
No launch, no launch.
OK, we'll get some comments when you're back in the garage.
Just while we're waiting to be plugged in, just have a think about overall mechanical balance. If you'd like to go rearwards at all, just stand by and comment.
Yeah, we should probably do a step since we basically came down on the rear.
I have understeer at turn 5 and oversteer at turn 8.
Okay, pretty much everyone's going to leave now, all fired up in the pitlane. We might have an extra lap to do at the end, but we're in a good spot here. Russell, the car behind, Bottas, outlap in front. So just normal outlap procedure here.
We've got time for the slow laps to be very slow as well, so plenty of margin.
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So behind Russell is eight seconds to Hulkenberg, out flat.
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OK, just Bottas to go in front now.
No traffic behind. Let's leave a gap to Bottas. We're at four seconds now. Recharge off. Good drive through the last two and let's go.
OK, recharge on. So we're going into double cool here. No traffic behind at the moment. So these slow laps can be very slow. Tyre temps were hotter than normal to start that first lap, so slowing these laps down will help. We have Verstappen five seconds timed lap.
Can we go to tyre on the multi please? Just in aero at the moment. I'll just put it back to where it should be. That's good. And then we're just going to focus on nice, steady, slow laps to bring these tyre temps down. We've got a yellow at turn 14 and 15. Perez off the track there, hit the wall. Could go red. And box, box.
Okay, so car off the track on the right-hand side. Exit turn 15, Perez.
So, Esteban, there's five minutes of the session left.
I'm away boxing now.
Okay, box now. Stop on the box and switch off. Ready.
I'm going to bring the car back to the garage, plug you in and we'll just have a chat in a second.
Estuando is going to go green in 10 seconds. That's two minutes remaining.
I don't know where we're going to end up in the queue here, but we can push and see if we can settle up if we like.
I think we should be able to make this if we make this a decent time.
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Okay, so as a lot of cars, Esteban will be quite pushy to try and set a lap. Behind us we have Albon and then Pierre. Pierre has not set a time yet on the soft. If he gets to the back of us, we need to just let him pass, please. We've got 30 seconds margin at the moment.
Okay, so energy into the fronts if you can.
And we're good for timing at 25 seconds margin.
OK, so plenty of time here, both us and Pierre do, so we can hold this position. We can just let Norris go and then we've got time for one more push lap.
Okay, that is the chequered flag, so let's go recharge on. And we're going to go around to the grid to do a start. Yeah, not very fair what Norris did there. No, not really. Yeah, it was fucked all up with everyone else. Yeah, exactly. Everyone just bunched up, yourself included there, so yeah, nothing really anyone could do.
Okay, mate, so we're going round to the grid. Can we go to scenario 1, please?
And we'll just cool those tyres down on the way. We'll be doing a start on the left-hand side this time. I'll let you know about burnouts when we're there.
So, on the dash, we're looking for plus 10 on temperatures. I don't think we'll get them all the way down there, but...
After the start, we're going to turn recharge on at turn 2. Copy. And we'll keep our in-lap pace up and we'll see where we are with practice pitstops.
Yeah, copy. The car feels a bit lazy. Felt a bit lazy in the two laps that I did.
OK, two burnouts please and I'll start on the left.
So, recharge on at turn 2, but push for the rest of the in-laps.
Okay Esteban, so we're actually going to go for a slow in-lap now, make a gap to Pierre so we can both get a practice pit stop in. Just watch for Leclerc two seconds behind if he keeps his pace up.
Yeah, I couldn't get that. Okay, so watch for Leclerc. If he keeps his pace up, go for a slow in-lap, please.
Okay, so we're going to try and make a gap between you and Pierre so that you can both do a practice pitstop. So just nice and steady on the way round, please.
Ok, so just nice and steady the rest of this lap.
Gap at the moment about 16 seconds. If we can make that a little bit bigger, that would be great.
Okay, that's good for us, so we'll be boxing now, practice pitstop.
It'll be a busy pitlane.
OK, Spencer, practice pitstop.
Coming in. Stop on the marks. No launch. No launch.
OK, very good. I'll get some comments when the car's plugged in.