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Esteban Ocon
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OK, so straight out, no DRS, please. No DRS usage.
Ok, so four cars out there on the medium at the moment. Rest on the hard.
And no DRS, keeping our pace down to 7.
And radio check down to 10. That's good for me. Okay, so Sainz on an outlap, two seconds behind.
Only four cars to go in front of me.
Can I use DRS now or not? DRS now, happy with you and brake 3 when you can, please brake 3.
I just need brake 3, just Perez to go in front, so that gap to him.
Three, four seconds. Good to go.
OK, so we're going to a cool lap. Sainz 4 behind. Just watch your mirrors please in case he keeps pushing. He's on the hard.
And he's back to half three behind. We might have Pierre as the next car doing a second push lap now. He's about seven seconds behind. Pierre's first lap on the hard tyre, 37.2 for info, 37.2.
Piers, back to front for a second, no traffic currently.
Can we go diff exit 5, please Esteban. Diff exit 5. Clear behind.
OK, so we think the yellow modifier in 16 looks OK, so we'll keep doing that for now as well. We have Fernando on a time lap 5 behind. Two cars back. Big gap in front of Hamilton, the car in front of you as well. Alonso, three seconds now.
So, 1.5 and then Stroll behind him also, just coming through now.
Stroll 1.5 behind now and then clear behind.
OK, so no other traffic at the moment.
So, we've got a big gap in front of Hamilton of 10 seconds, only three cars to go, and weaving after 14 just to help those front surface tyres.
OK, mate. See if we can get a good stop into 16 as best we can as well. Got some front brakes out of separation.
Brake 3 when you can.
OK, two cars to go in front.
No traffic behind.
So I just need brake 3 and tyre on the multi to go this way.
Gaps good. Recharge off. Good to go.
Okay, going into another coolout. We can go brake 5.
Pierre and then Perez just finishing time laps behind, so no traffic.
Pierre's second lap on the hard tyre. A 35.9 for info. 35.9. Did lose about 3 tenths in sector 1 to him, so we'll give you some driving advice shortly. How's rider balance, please, at the moment? Traction is poor. Exit of 3 at the moment. The ride really is OK. The braking is better than last year. There's more grip. And all the new resurface bits? Understood. Pierre's car behind, just keeping his pace up. Just watch for him, please. He's just finished a time for that.
Looks like it could be box at this point. Again, clear of traffic.
We might need a bit more rotation mid-corner. Understood. Let's go down to dim 3 to start with.
Especially in turn 1. Understood. We'll start with that difference in 32. I'll give you some driving advice again shortly.
Okay, so we're going to try and line up the front tyres a little bit. We can add some energy after 13, so weaving from there, please, as best you can.
Perez in front could be double-cooled.
So, we've still got that brake temp separation at the front, so if we get a good stop into 16, it might be best to keep brake 5 for that and then...
I go to brake three afterwards. Three cars to go in front.
Okay, cars behind Pudding now. Collar pinto. He is five and a half back. Let's focus. Mid-corner and exit turn 5 is main loss. Collar pinto. Two seconds now.
Let's go brake 3 now. Zhou 7 seconds behind pushing. I suggest we go now 4 behind.
Okay, so Hamilton, the car behind, finishing a time lap now. Three and a half back, so it should be clear of traffic. Okay, we're P10 at the moment. Pierre has just finished his last lap as well at 35.02 on the hard time.
Okay, so happy just to keep this slow lap pace down for the first part of the lap, as you have been doing, and then we'll push towards the end just to bring the surfaces back up. No traffic currently. We will have Sainz come through on a timed lap. He's about 10 behind.
Correction, Sainz 4 behind now. Sainz pushing 4 behind. Are we doing double cool now or no? No, we're doing single now. Single now. We're still happy with singles at the moment. Yeah, but when is it that we do double at the end? It's the next one, yeah, after this. So next lap coming up will be your fourth push. Norris, the car behind, he is on a slow lap but keeping his pace up so it could be boxing.
And we can go brake 5 as well.
Next car pushing Colopinto. Six seconds and then we'll have Perez on a time lap. He's another six behind him.
Palo Pinto, three seconds.
Perez, four seconds time.
Okay, main focus for lap time. Exit turn 5 once again. Just need to focus on that big corner speed. Exit Joe 4 behind. Time lap.
So we can add weaving now. Zhou, two seconds. Just watch me.
Yellow 16, if we can, and then we'll go back to brake 3 and push. Piastri, sorry, time lap 4 behind. Yellow 16, single yellow 16.
Piastri, two and a half. Time no overtaking.
OK, so at the moment we recommend just doing single cools at this point, so we do a single cool and one more push lap. Don't know if you have a feel for it. Refrain double. OK, understood.
Okay, so we're going to double cool at this point. Traffic behind, Pierre's just finished a time lap. He did a 34.5 on his last. We're currently P7 at the moment. Let's go brake 5, please, for these laps. Sainz pushing behind as well, 5.5.
Flights 2.5.
Next car, Tsunoda, 5 seconds, timed, and then clear behind him.
Tsunoda one second coming through and then clear behind him.
Okay, mate. So, main limitations when you can. Collar pin toe 10 behind time run.
I have understeer at turn 1. 5, 7, this kind of place is a bit tense as well. Understood. Collar pin is over 4.5 behind. Timed. Would you like a flap adjust, Esteban?
Our next car behind Piastri. Six seconds time lap. We're going for a double call here.
So we've got three cars behind that could all be pushing this time, Ricciardo, Bottas and Pierre, so I just need to watch for them as we go around the start finish.
Okay, so double cool. Now, Ricciardo, two and a half behind. He's on an outlap. We'll be pushing this time.
And as you're doing, we just need to try and keep that brake application nice and strong where you can. Ricciardo pushing now, four behind.
Ricciardo, two behind. Time lap clear behind.
Okay, so we could try diff entry 3. Pierre, three and a half behind time lap.
Okay, so we're going to focus our efforts into warming the fronts at this point.
Okay, so we're looking for constant speeds and weaving just to try and help those fronts again.
We're just going for one more time lap after this and we'll be coming in.
Okay, so I've got Piastri likely to go this time in front. Albon the car behind on a slow lap.
Okay, so let's go brake 3. We want recharge off as you lift from 18 to 19, please. Recharge off on lift 18 to 19. And good to push.
OK, Semenso, recharge on. Can we have an aero cruise off to turn 5, please? Aero P3. Aero P3 off to turn 5. Clear of traffic behind.
Okay, thank you for that. Clear of traffic behind. So we're P7 with that time for the moment. Colopinto P6, 33.85. And then Russell 33.80 on the hard P5. Okay, mate, main limitations. Colopinto on the hard or medium? Colopinto on the medium. So, main limitations, please, when you can. Yeah, bit of understeer in the places I mentioned before.
Gap out, understood. House braking into 16, please.
I struggle to get the apex most of the time, but it's not too bad. Understood. We're going to have a look and see if we can help with that, perhaps with a modifier. Okay, so we are boxing now. We'll be stopping on the box and switching off. Copy. The brake separation is not good. Yeah, copy that.
Okay, stopping on the box and switching off.
Okay, so straight out to brake 5, please. Brake 5.
Oscillation in the pitlane. Copy. Ok, so we've got Fernando going into turn 1, the time lap. Bottas behind him looks like he's on a slow lap at the moment, just going into 2. And clear of traffic behind. Leclerc and Sainz on outlaps.
So 200 kph speed reference down to 7. These three cars in front likely to continue being on the slow side. Happy to push through those if you want. In front, Tsunoda, Perez and then a big gap.
Okay, so Tsunoda will be pushing next lap.
OK, happy to pick up tyre energies from turn 10 onwards.
Good clear gap in front here.
And we use DRS on both straights and outweaving as well.
Okay, DRS unweaving.
OK, good stop at 16 and brake 3.
OK, recharge off on the lift. 18 to 19. Good to go. Clear track ahead.
OK, recharge on and double cool. OK, so we are P11 at the moment. Pierre's first lap was a 32.87.
So we're going to go double cool, one more push. At the moment I think there's only one car that has improved on their second lap that I can see and that's Leclerc.
I still struggle a lot with understeer turn 1. OK, understood. We'll have a look and see if we can help the switches for this one. Leclerc behind on a slow lap now, so clear of traffic.
We can try a flap adjust if you'd like.
What is the deformant doing? So it's mid minus two, torque minus one. We think we could try diff entry three as we suggested before. Might be worth a go.
OK mate, so happy to try that for the next lap. Clear of traffic behind. So at the moment we've had only two cars improve, correction, three cars improve on the second lap. Piastri, Leclerc and Norris. All after double-claws.
Next car coming through is Verstappen. Six and a half seconds timed.
Very clear track ahead, 30 seconds in front.
Going forward. Double cool still. Verstappen two seconds behind. Tight lap.
And brake 5, please. Brake 5, we can go that for the next lap and a half.
Next car pushing is Fernando. He is about five and a half behind and then we'll have Piastri as well.
OK, so Fernando two seconds and then Perez, another five behind him.
Can you confirm you wouldn't like a flap adjust, please? You want to stay out. Perez, three seconds. Yeah, stay out. Yeah, understood. Okay.
So Pierre behind is going to push next lap and we've got Sainz on a timed lap 4 behind. So a couple of cars to come past. Clear behind those two. Pierre's going to push and then Sainz coming through as well.
I could have gone. You should have seen him.
Okay, and car behind now, Stroll. Sorry, you did what you could there. Stroll finishing a time-lap behind, second cool-up.
And Leclerc, time lap behind now. Watch for him, please, keeping his pace up. Leclerc 1.5.
And then clear behind now.
Okay, so we're going to focus on the front tyres at this point, so we can go a constant speed and add weaving, front left in particular, which is starting to drop down.
Okay, so time loss to Pierre. Carrying a little bit too much into turn 5 and then losing on the exit over us. Looks pretty good. Minimum speed turn 9 as well. Perhaps a small improvement to be made there. Other than that, looks okay.
Esteban, no other car has tried for a third lap on this tyre. What I propose is we push the next one if we feel the tyre's not there. We're not going to learn anything by doing another one. We should go sustainable and push to the end.
Maximise what we can learn. Sights in front.
He's on first cool lap. I'm not sure if he's going to push next lap or not.
Let's go, brake 3.
We do have Russell on high fuel, about 8 behind.
Recharge off. 18 to 19. Suggest we go now.
OK, so we've got Piastri behind. He could be pushing this time. Watch for him, please. Four seconds. OK, so Pierre improved on his second lap. All of it in sector 1. Let's go recharge on, please. I'd be happy to go to sustainable from this point.
Russell, six behind high fuel.
Russell 2 behind. High flip.
OK, Esteban, so I'd like to go to high fuel, sustainable running at this point. Are you happy with that? Can we do a single slow and then a push?
Push? Yeah, if you want to do single, slow and push, I'm happy with that, yeah.
So, just nice and steady for the rest of this lap then, in that case.
So, we've got Hamilton, he's sustainable running, high fuel, and then Norris just within there eight seconds behind.
Okay, so Hamilton and Norris, three behind, pushing high fuel. Big gap behind them.
Okay, if understeer at turn 18.19 is a problem, we'll just go down on the high-speed switch. The open modifier doesn't work there, so just drop the high-speed switch down.
No DRS please, no DRS.
Car behind Tsunoda. High fuel as well. Five seconds and then a 15 second gap behind him.
Push the front 16 and 17 if we can. Tsunoda 2 behind. Clear behind him. 15 second gap to Stroll.
So we'll drop into this gap.
So we'll push the fronts. 16.17. Let's go brake 3. Stroll 6 behind. High fuel. Want to stay in front of him.
OK, Esteban, so we're going to go scenario 4 for this one. Almost there. Sock 6 and then we're going to continue to push. We should get 6 laps.
Keep to the right. Exit turn 15 to avoid the bump.
Five more laps. Five more.
Yeah, it's last lap time 37.3 for F37.3, so keep pushing.
Three more laps. Gap behind six seconds if you need it.
Okay, can we try keep to the right exit 15, please, try and avoid a bumper.
So right-hand side where you are now for reference, trying to avoid a bump. Okay, two more laps after this one.
Two more laps, yeah? Two more laps, two more laps.
And SOC 13, when you can, SOC 13.
Last lap, last lap.
Okay, that's the chequered flag. Okay, so we're going to the grid now to do a start. Let's go to scenario 3, please. Scenario 3. We can cool the car and the tyres on the way there.
Okay, so after everyone's low fuel laps, we finished up the session in P10 for info.
Okay, so when we get to the grid we'll be doing three burnouts. Start on the left and then we'll be pushing to pit entry.
We should be able to do a practice pitstop as well.
Okay, so three burnouts. Three burnouts. Start on the left, please. Left-hand side. I have pushed a bit entry.
Okay, Esteban, I'd like to back off at turn 17, please, to form a gap to Pierre, and then we'll box and practice pitstop.
Okay, so back off after 17 for five seconds and then box, practice, pitstop.
10-1-0. Okay, steady into the box, please.
Okay, abort the practice pitstop. Just pull in behind Pierre, please. Just pull in behind Pierre. Sorry, the cars were a little too close there.
Okay, thank you for that. We'll get some comments when you're plugged in.
When the car is back in the garage, get your job done.
Alpine Car 1. Driver. Alpine Car 1. Engineer. Alpine Car 1. Driver. Alpine Car 1. Engineer. Alpine Car 1. Driver. Alpine Car 1. Engineer.