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Esteban Ocon
OK, well, green light, we're going to go going now.
Danger, is that McLaren coming out the garage? Yeah, copy that, just seeing that on the replay. So we're doing a start from the end.
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Clutch drop on target, good job, so we'll sync gears and radio check.
I don't think we have full GPS information at the moment, so just keep an eye on your mirrors, please. All cars, obviously, on outlaps behind, think it's Verstappen and then Norris.
Okay, cars behind Norris, then Magnussen.
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So, Norris and Magnussen close behind and then a 12 second gap if they come past.
Okay, so gap behind 11 seconds now. Let these guys go. I'm going into fast-slow-fast sequence. Hopefully that's given you a good idea of the delta time. No traffic behind. Two cars to go. Just need to recharge off.
Sainz behind on an outlap. No traffic coming through, just Magnussen to go.
Gap in front 5 and good to go.
OK, let's start building.
OK, recharge on. Sainz five seconds behind, just finishing a timed lap.
Sight's three and a half. Just watch for him in case he keeps his pace up, please.
Okay, so I think let's go for a single slow lap if we can, then into another push. Gap behind nine seconds to Leclerc. He's also just finished a timed in a reasonable space on track at the moment.
Leclerc four and a half behind. Again, should be on a cool lap, but his pace is a little higher than ours. Just keep your eye on your mirrors, please. Two seconds now. Gap behind him is 11 seconds.
Okay, most cars out there are on the medium. Four hard runners, both Ferraris Magnussen and Perez. How was the balance initially, please? Clear from traffic behind. Yeah, all okay. Probably go for a single slow now. Yep, that sounds good to me. Good for timing as well for that. P6 currently. Pierre's first lap was a 36.8. I'm not sure if he maybe got traffic on that one. I don't think so.
So, Hamilton going slowly in front, 6 seconds. Car behind Fernando, 12 seconds slower. I think the yellow modifiers may be a bit strong because of the rear locking. Yeah, we were just talking about that. Yeah, so we think maybe don't use that on the next lap for the moment. We'll look to adjust that for next time. Gap in front of Hamilton is 6 seconds to Norris. Should we not double-check it? What do I do? Do I use it or not? I don't know.
Yeah, we think not using it for the next lap. Let's see how we are with that and we can look to make an adjust for the next run. So, no traffic behind. Gap in front. Six and a half seconds to Norris. Just need to recharge off and then good to go.
Okay, gap behind seven seconds to Fernando. He should be on a slow lap once again. Most cars I'd say are doing single cools at the moment.
So we're in sync with Norris in front. He did fast, slow, fast as well. I'm at P9 with that time currently.
Okay, clear of traffic behind at the moment. How was the balance that time, please? Yeah, okay. The balance in high speed.
OK, that's good. What do you think about a single cool lap again for the next lap? See if we can get away with that. Yeah, OK. Happy to make this a slow, slow lap. There's a decent group of cars around turn 4 at the moment. We've got quite a nice track position at the moment. Fernando the car behind four seconds. Looks like he's just keeping his pace up on a slow lap.
So Pierre's second lap was a 34.3 for info, 34.3.
So, Fernando two seconds behind now, slow lap, and then Piastri another three seconds behind him, slow lap as well.
Car is reasonably well spaced from there. No traffic currently.
Big gap in front of Norris in front. His slow laps are very slow, in fact.
Behind Piastri, there's a 10 second gap to Perez, also on a cool down.
So happy to go steady last part of this lap. Happy to make a gap. Let's go for another push, see what we get and then we'll go for a double call for the one after that. Happy with that.
So just two cars to go. No traffic currently. Everyone behind slow laps. Just need to recharge off. Good to go.
OK, so Norris just finishing a timed lap behind now. No other traffic, just keep your eyes out in your mirrors again.
So Albon just coming past. He's left the pitlane. We've got Bottas on an outlap about six seconds behind as well.
So P11 with that time at the moment. Once again, how is the balance, please? Bottas behind outlap. Yeah, balance is okay. Carly a bit sharp maybe, turning in some places. I'll show you later. Okay, understood. So from our side, we think at the moment a single cool looks reasonable. Yeah, I agree. Okay, if you're happy to do a single cool, we'll do that and then one more push and then we'll box. Copy. Okay, so we've got decent space behind now. Hamilton on a slow lap, nine seconds and then another seven second gap to Piastri. He's on a timed though.
Hamilton six and a half behind. I think he could well be on an in lap at this stage. Don't have view of his radio comms at the moment. Then we've got Piastri who's just with him now on a push lap, so we'll need to let those guys through.
Piastri, three seconds, time to lap.
OK, so Hamilton behind is on a slow lap, but I think he could be boxing and then Tsunoda timed lap five seconds behind him. Behind Tsunoda is a big gap, so happy to let those guys through if they want to come.
Tsunoda coming through now. Two seconds timed lap.
Clear from traffic behind now. Just need recharge off. One more time lap. Happy to keep the yellow modifier off at 11.
OK, we'll recharge on and we're going to box at the end of this lap. So we have Piastri, oh, Piastri's just boxed behind, so clear of traffic. We'll do an aerocruise after turn 14, so a bit of time left yet.
Okay, so still P12 with that time at the moment.
For info, Pierre did a fast-slow-fast, then he boxed, went back out, did a single-timed. His best currently is 32.8. Copy. Sorry, correction on that one, 33.8. Apologies, 33.8. Copy. Okay, so clear traffic behind, it'll be aero P4 after turn 14, aero P4.
Clear of traffic behind. Aero P4. And then we're boxing. We'll do a practice pitstop as well. So once we're done with the aero cruise, you can attack the pit entry.
OK. Box, box, practice pitstop, attack pit entry.
Turn in. And no launch, no launch.
Just a quick question while we bring the car back in the garage. How was the ride generally? Bouncing was okay. But ride at low speed, not good in the last chicane. Copy.
OK Sven, so comments when you're ready. Yeah, so I think the important thing for that run is mainly the fact that I lost some front end in the last lap. I basically picked up understeer through turn 5.
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OK, so then car is about to be cleared at turn 6 now. This might be quite a short turnaround.
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And clear behind. Car behind is Verstappen. He's just finished a time lap. Next car, Norris now, time lap. Five seconds. Norris, I think, is the last car to start a lap at this point. Norris 1.5. And Verstappen behind should be on a slow now.
Behind Verstappen, if he wants to come through he's fine, is Perez. 11 seconds slow lap.
Okay, so we're going to focus on a little bit of front warm-up. Okay, we can introduce a little bit of weaving just to bring those temps up. The front right is on the cold side.
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Okay, so it's likely to be a bit of a mix of what people do out there, single and double cools, so traffic may be tricky. Let's just make sure we get a read on the balance as best we can. Happy to keep bringing tyre temps up. Gap in front is 7 seconds. Unsure if Verstappen is pushing next time or another slow. Verstappen in front is boxing. Gives you about 12 seconds to Norris.
Left traffic behind, just need recharge off.
Nice push.
Okay, pre-charge on. Watch for Tsunoda. Five seconds back. Could be starting a time-lap, could be slow. I've got Magnussen doing the same three seconds. Watch for him. So Magnussen probably pushing, Tsunoda behind him slow. At the moment let's go into double cool.
And we'll need to watch for Bottas also on the way through now. About three seconds.
OK, clear traffic behind at the moment. We've got Tsunoda slow behind and Norris on an outlap just behind. We could have Leclerc pushing. He's about seven seconds back. We'll just keep an eye on his pace.
Watch for Leclerc coming through, three seconds.
OK, watch for Leclerc coming through now. Clear behind him. Piastri behind outlap now. Recharge off now to turn 11, please.
OK, so we'll keep recharge off to 13.
Clear of traffic behind at the moment. Happy with going into a double cool at this stage. We're P14 with that. Pierre in P15 a couple of hundred slower.
We've got Stroll about seven seconds behind. Looks like he's keeping his pace up at the moment. So just watch for him. Going into a double cool. And recharge on please, recharge on.
OK, so behind Stroll, who's just behind you now, is Hamilton. Seven seconds. He's high fuel running.
So, Hamilton, four seconds. Again, high fuel going into a second cool-up.
Hamilton 1.5 behind.
Okay, clear of traffic behind.
Okay, only real time loss to Pierre is apex of turn 11. We're actually braking into the corner slightly later than him, but minimum speed is down through there. He's using third gear for info. Copy.
Okay, so we're clear of traffic behind. We've got a 30 second gap. Next car back is Perez who's just finished a time lap. We're in a reasonable space here. Car in front, 12 seconds is Sainz on an out lap.
So we're going to push next time.
Okay, so we just want to get some surface temperature into the tyres at the end of the last sector so we can push through 15 and the last chicane. Gap in front 15 seconds.
Let's go brake three, Esteban, brake three, and then we're good with switches.
Let's see if we're good for a second lap on this set. Cliff traffic behind, let's push.
OK, recharge on. Watch for Albon, four seconds behind. He'll be starting a time-lap this time. Albon, three seconds. Two seconds. OK, the next car coming through will be Verstappen. Leclerc just leaving the pitlane as well. He could be high fuel now. Watch for Verstappen, about three seconds. Then Leclerc, close behind him. Verstappen, 1.5. Leclerc, another two seconds back. Watch for Verstappen.
Leclerc, 2 seconds. Gap behind Leclerc, 5 seconds to stroll out lap. So we'll happily go into another double cool and then one more push. I've got about a minute's margin here, so plenty of time.
As more and more people have gone to high fuel, this might get a little tricky. Russell three seconds back. Timed lap.
Russell coming through now. Stroll behind out lap. Could be high fuel again. No need to hold him up. Then Norris, four seconds back, timed lap. He is high fuel running.
Norris, two seconds.
Okay, Piastri, six seconds, high fuel running as well, and then a big gap behind him.
Yeah, straight three and a half.
Piastri, 1 second. Okay, 18 second gap behind now. Plenty of space. So P11 with that time, with the 31.9. Pierre managed a 32.2 on his second lap.
OK, so we've got plenty of time in hand here. Next car back, Fernando, 9 seconds. He's high fuel running as well. If we can, we'd like to use DRS down to turn 1 just to put a little bit of energy into the front tyres.
Fernando five seconds clear behind him. He's high fuel running. Fernando four, three, two.
OK, let's let Fernando through by turn 1.
Okay, clear from traffic behind.
Okay, so another cool lap and then we're good to push. The only place we lose to Pierre on that lap is down to turn 1. We're hit a big tow, so nice work with that.
Next car behind is Sainz. 12 seconds. High fuel.
Cars behind are reasonably well spaced here. It will probably be tricky with traffic the next push lap, but let's make the best of it that we can. We've got Sainz, five seconds. Let's make sure we let him through cleanly.
Sainz, one second. Gap behind him, five seconds.
Gap behind four seconds.
Two seconds car behind is Iwasa pushing.
Then next car back, Hulkenberg, eight seconds.
High fuel running.
Okay, if we can put in some weaving, low frequency, down to the last corner. Hulkenberg, four seconds, high fuel.
And then behind him, four seconds Hamilton, so the space in front of us is probably the best we're going to get. Gap behind three seconds, brake three, and then good to go.
OK, last lap, let's push.
Okay, that is the chequered flag. Okay, so we're going to the grid now to do a start. Can we go to scenario 3? Scenario 3.
Okay, so well managed with the traffic that time. We've got Hulkenberg a couple of seconds back. Just keep your eye on your mirrors, please, in case these people try and push past everyone obviously taking the flag behind.
So how was the balance, that run?
It was okay, I think. Maybe a little bit sharp in some places still, so we'll see about that, but otherwise, yeah, good front end.
Okay, that's good. Alright, so we're going to the grid. We're going to do a start on the left-hand side. I'll let you know about burnouts shortly and then we will be pushing to pit entry and we will do a practice pitstop.
We are the first car. Pierre is behind us around at turn 2. So we'll probably do your pitstop and then roll the car forwards. Copy.
Okay, so we'd like to do three burnouts and a start on the left, please, when you get there. Three burnouts and a start on the left. And for your info, we finished up the session P11 car in front of us was Norris. He managed a 31.2 for info.
The start on the left.