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Lance Stroll
So we can keep the car running. You've got about 40 seconds to go now. We don't need to let the cars in the slow lane in, OK? So just follow the car ahead out.
So, we'll just follow the car ahead out. Guys in the slow lane should have to let you in. Just remember to build a gap as well.
OK, so first car is Sargeant. He's just into 16 now on his outlap, so just hoping to build a really big gap.
So, you've got Sargeant coming into turn 17. I'll just let you know where he is. So, keep building a gap. Gap ahead is 5, 6, 7, 8. Sargeant's opening a lap now. Gap ahead 9. OK, we're good. So, you will have Sargeant. I'll let you know.
OK, so it's eight seconds to Sargeant. Eight back.
And Sargeant in 5 and 4.
Sergeant in 3, let's not hold him up. We can let him go before turn 11. We don't need to tow him either. Good luck.
So, front temp's on the low side, Lance. Let's get some high speed and then we have a big stop into 11.
So, next car pushing is Magnussen in 5. Magnussen in 5.
And you've got Magnussen 4.
So, it's just Magnussen in 3. There's only one car ahead to go, so it won't be a big queue. But Magnussen in 3. Don't want to tow him or hold him up.
We'll try and get a bit more brake and then we'll try and get a bit more brake. Hulkenberg is 7. Do you want to stay ahead of Hulkenberg? Hulkenberg is 7. A little bit of brake temp and then it's just go on at turn 17.
OK, so we can double cool now. Double cool. So, run switch cool. Just remember, no need to be zero on the delta by the end of the lap. It's all clear behind for now. Should be in sync with the guys behind. I'll let you know.
He might be on an in-lap, so he might be faster, might come past you, but he is on a cool lap. So he's now two back.
Okay, so just keep an eye on the delta now and we'll stay out but we are double cooling so there'll be another cool lap.
So, main delta to the other car was in turn 11 to 16. He's using one gear lower for that whole sector. So, think about that. So, lower gear in turn 11 to 16.
So we can go slower now, before the safety car line, so back off now. Back off around turn 1.
So you can consider...
For turn 1 laps, you can consider plus one lap.
So, next car back's pushing will be Verstappen. He's just in turn 2 now, so we'd like to try and stay ahead of him, so I'll get you updated.
OK, let's get some... We can build a bit more front temperature. Let's get some high speed now. High speed and big stop as well. It's all clear behind still. We go on at turn 17. You've still got 12 seconds ahead, so gap's good, Lance, just when you're ready. Go on.
OK, that's a good lap, so run switch delta and let's crack on on the way in as well just for timing so we can push on the way in. Run switch delta, keep it negative.
So, Piastri has just opened a lap, so he's in turn 1 now. He's pushing. So, Piastri, eights back, eights back.
Had a curb strike outside of 8, so just check car. Yeah, copy that Lance, we saw it. We'll have a quick look but it looks fine to us for now. So you've got Piastri 4 back.
So let's not hold him up. Don't tow him. He's now two back. Good stuff. It's all clear behind him for now.
OK, so you've got Norris at 7. We'll box this lap. Norris at 7.
We are currently P10 but it is quite close around us.
So you've got Norris in 4 and we'll box in this lap. Just wait a bit to remind her.
And that is Weybridge. That's Weybridge.
It's allowed to just have a think about flap as well.
Yeah, it seems quite okay. Let me come up a little bit.
OK Lance, the timing might end up being quite tight here, just so you know. I'll keep you updated.
We'd like to be across Safety Car 2 in 10 seconds if possible. That's going to be difficult.
So, Leclerc and Norris are starting laps now. So, you've got Leclerc coming into turn 1. So, you've got Leclerc with you now. Before you head to Fernando, Norris is then starting laps. So, Norris, turn 1. So, we can... So, we'd like to stay ahead of Sainz. We've got two back to Norris. Watch out for Norris. OK. So, the car's behind on Sigma View. So, we don't want to let people pass Lance. The car's behind on Outlap.
So next car pushing is Verstappen. He's just in turn 7 now. So it's 9 back to Verstappen.
So, Sainz and Zhou behind are very tight for time. We need to stay ahead of them. That's just for you.
So, you've got Verstappen in 7. You need to watch out for Verstappen. He's six back.
So there'll be probably three cars to go. Verstappen is four back currently. So just keep your elbows out for Sainz, but Verstappen, we can't hold him up, he's four back. Still three cars to go. So time is okay, it's just we need to stay ahead of Sainz. Verstappen is in two. So stay ahead now.
OK, so we've got Magnussen in turn 17 as well. Gasly is two ahead.
Okay, so if you run to its delta, run to its delta, stay negative, stay negative. We are safe, we are through. That's P10. Sorry, mate, I was a bit stressed with the antilope. Good lap, good lap. Man, what a joke. It's a circus out here. Yeah, that was a bit full, wasn't it? Yeah, that was tight.
Switches are good. Just keep an eye out for any cars on faster in laps. As long as the delta is negative, we're good for now.
OK, Lance, ready for your comments?
OK, just ready to build your gap. A few cars coming up behind us. It's obviously all clear at FedExit, so you can build a good gap to Tsunoda. It's a nice big gap. Let him go. He's currently 4. Gap ahead is currently 4. He's going quite slowly. 5. Gap ahead is still currently 4. Bit of a timing glitch there. So you've got 4 ahead to Tsunoda. Press is leaving the pitlane behind you. So go nice and slow through sector 1.
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So let's get a big stop at turn 11.
So we can do a bit of scrubbing in turn 12 in the low speed here. Left front still a little bit low. Get some good speed down to turn 17.
So, just remember, we're thinking yellow button for turn 1. Let's get some good speed and a good stop into turn 17. So, it's just one ahead to go. That's just Tsunoda. So, he's five ahead. You've got Perez eight behind in the face of you. So, she's all this delta now. There's a few people still leaving the pitlane. So, gap ahead is seven. Let's wait. Okay, so go one.
OK, so close the lap and then we've got Fernando starting lap behind. So, Fernando 5 back. Hold him up. Fernando 4 back. Ocon's a few seconds behind him as well.
Ocon 5 behind him. Ocon pushing in 5. Perez is in phase of ute. Ocon on 2. Perez in phase of ute. Run switch delta, Lance.
Why in the hell was that fourth turn slower, Nicholas? Yeah, copy that. So you've got Gasly pushing in 4. He's just in turn 4 now, so Gasly pushing 4 back, now 3 back. He's just behind Perez.
So it's not Togasly, he's two back now.
OK, and the next car pushing will be Hulkenberg in 9.
Okay, so you've got Hulkenberg in 5. We'll box this lap. We have got quite a few going slower than Q1 as well, Lance, just for info, but we'll give you more info when you get back. So you've got Hulkenberg in 4.
Hulkenberg in 3. Boxing this lap.
So it's a nice big gap. So just keep waiting, keep waiting. Everyone's building a bigger gap, so just keep waiting, Lance. We want a bigger gap. So Perez is two ahead. Perez is three ahead. Four ahead. Five ahead. Six ahead. So this is good. Okay, and take it nice and steady in sector one. Nice and steady. So we're safe on timing, Lance. There's no concern there. We're in a good position in the queue. So nice and steady now.
OK, so we can keep the speed down now. No need to push. Nice and steady into 11. Temps are already good, Lance.
So there's just two cars to go and you've already got, it's ten seconds ahead to Perez so it should all be fine and we're happy with tyre temp as well.
So we can use all the delta, just make sure the delta is at just negative. Gap ahead is good, just remember go 1.
Okay, so close the lap and we'll have Piastri opening a lap. So Piastri's just free back. Just watch out for Piastri opening a lap now.
So, Piastri with you now.
OK, so that's the flag. Just get run-switch delta when you can. Run-switch delta. It's currently P10 but I think there's a few cars still to complete the lap so I'll have to let you know. Everyone's in phase behind.
Still one car to go. We are now P11, I'm afraid. We're just out by a couple of hundreds, I'm afraid.
So nice and steady now. Nice and steady now.
So delta's all good, just make sure it's negative. But it is, that's all fine.
Okay, yeah, box in this lap. Good effort, mate. I was unlucky there. It was very close. It was a good lap at the end. Yeah, I'm really surprised with the drop from Q1 to Q2, man. Especially sector 2. I felt like I had no grip. On the low-speed corners, the car was just dying.
So, Lance, it's quite close. We'll leave you in the car for a second. That's alright. It's the usual procedure.