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Lance Stroll
Radio check. Yep, that's loud enough, Lance. All good.
So it's just under six minutes to the formation lap.
I can answer. Radio check for the pit wall.
Yeah, that's all out of play. All good. So it's just four minutes to go now. Four minutes.
OK, Lance, so tyres are in. Essentially everyone is on the medium. Perez, the car directly ahead, he's on the hard. And you've also got, towards the back, you've got Zhou and Sargeant on hard as well. Gasly, directly behind you, is on soft, OK? So car ahead, Perez, hard. Behind Gasly, soft. Everyone else medium, really.
OK, so that's one minute to the formation lap now. One minute.
And that's 20 seconds. Remember, some nice strong weaving before turn 2 if you can. Let's get straight into it.
And that's five seconds.
Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
Can I ask you to close the gap? We'd like to close the gap. So we've built a bit of a fault now. We'd like to see some high-speed behaviour before turn 2. So build a gap as you need.
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2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock. 2 o'
High-speed weave now to P5 as well.
Big stop before turn 7. Big stop, make space for turn 7, so you can back off now a little bit. Make a bit of space. Let's get some high speed weaving before turn 9 as well.
So push all the way. If you can get some more sweeping before we take 11, that'd be good. We can push all the way now.
Okay, that's it. Start was target minus five. Target minus five.
We can do some scrubbing. Low speed in this chicane. Bit of scrubbing.
A bit of weaving now and then one big stop before 17.
So we want to stay on the racing line now. So stay on the racing line. We can scrub the tyres if you can. So on the racing line, bit of scrubbing, just as you're waiting.
OK, so there'll be four burnouts. Four burnouts. Remember, it's from the DRS line, OK? Four burnouts from the DRS line.
Run, switch, race.
Last car on the grid now.
Ocon is medium. Car behind Albon is medium as well.
So DRS is now active. You should have DRS.
OK, so Albon's 0.8 behind. That's more than the last lap. Just think about traction turn 12, Lance. Just take caution there.
Okay Lance, so Albon may not have DRS, so he's falling back. So you are currently P13, so that is plan A for us, okay? Plan A.
So, if you can manage it, Lance, we recommend a bit more lift and coast at turn 14 and 17. Recommend more lift and coast at turn 14 and 17.
Ocon does not have DRS.
So, Lance, we can consider brake balance plus one. That's for rear slip. So, consider brake balance plus one.
So, Lance, I'll get a balance check when you can. Balance check. We would do mid 4 if you need. So, if you've got mid-corner understeer, we can do mid 4.
So, Albon stopped behind. So, Magnussen is car behind on medium. Two seconds back.
Slamps, just give me some feedback on pace, what you could do in 3R.
Good effort, good effort. Let's find out. Car headers Ricciardo, let's get him.
So, let's get back in the rhythm. Lift and coast is good. Ricciardo's on the medium from the very start.
For info, Albon is slow ahead. We think he'll be in the pitlane before you get to him, but Albon is slow ahead.
Balance is OK. A little bit understeering. Copy that. We can do mid 4, Lance. We can do mid 4 if you need. Ocon has DRS behind.
Okay, Alonso, looks like Ricciardo's in. So car ahead is Perez. He's on the hard tyre from the start. He's three seconds ahead. That train ahead has been led by Hulkenberg.
We can do strat 7. This is lap 13 and we're staying on plan A. Think about lifting coast into turn 2 and turn 5.
Brake feels high, man. OK, copy. Let's get strat 7. Let's get strat 7. We'll get you some info on management. Hulkenberg boxed ahead for info.
OK, it's feeling better in the tyres.
OK, that's good, so yeah, lift and coast is going to help Lance. We are firmly limited so lift and coast will help. We can do a bit more than the last two laps.
So, focus on turn 14 and 17 for lift and coast.
OK, Lance, so your deg is actually really good compared to the field. We're around half the deg of the field. So the guys ahead are starting to struggle. So this is really good for us. Just stick on plan A. You're now on lap 16.
So, we can have a bit more management in turn 11. That's going to help the turn 12 traction. So, manage turn 11 a little bit more. We would like more lift in coast. The tyre looks firmly limited still, so a bit more lift in coast generally.
So that's Perez, 0.9 ahead, waiting for the gravel.
So, Lance, I know you're racing Perez, but just watch that tyre slip. Last lap, exit final corner. Just keep an eye on turn 12 as well.
OK, so you're now on lap 20. Now on lap 20. Let's get a balance update when you come. This is rear limited thermally.
OK, so we do see surface overheating still. It's not bulk temp, it's surface, so more lift and coast will help. So we want around 1.5 times what you're doing, OK? So let's try a bit more lift and coast.
OK, so this is now lap 21. Now lap 21. Still looking at plan 8. And deg is still really strong for us, so this is good.
Track temp is still high, so you're now on lap 23. Track temp is still quite high, so lift and coast is good. What you're doing is good.
OK, Lance, so some of the lead cars are starting to pit now. So you've got Perez. Norris is ahead of you and then Piastri has just pitted, so he might come out behind you. I'll let you know. Yeah, he's behind you.
So, Piastri behind is new hard, one lap hard.
Let's not lose too much time with Piastri.
You're now on lap 25. This is lap 25.
So, Russell is car behind. He stopped recently, so he's on three lap hard. Same as Piastri, we don't need to lose too much time on Russell.
Okay, lads, let's get MFA Green Diff position 3. MFA Green Diff position 3.
You've got Russell with DRS just coming by now.
Car behind is Magnussen. He's on medium tyres from the start of the race. Ten seconds back.
This will be lap 28. Sainz is just leaving the pitlane. He's ahead of Russell.
Guys, we'll take some tyre feedback when you can. Tyre feedback. Yeah, I mean, kinda, you know. If I keep the thermal under control, it seems okay. But there's not much rubber left on the tyre.
Copy, that's good feedback, thank you.
I pressed the OK button to check turn 18. For some reason it's getting better and better.
Hamilton is car behind. Two-lap hold hard. We don't need to lose time with him. He's one second back.
We're now on lap 31. This is lap 31. We're thinking something like plan A plus 5.
There's nothing to gain by stopping. Let's just keep going.
Copy that, Lance. Understood. I'll give you more feedback in a second.
Consider letting Hamilton by now and then that will give us DRS.
So, there's a group behind that stopped quite early, Lance, led by Sargeant. So, Sargeant's going to do 24s. He's towards our pit window. So, we want to try and hold out like you do until they drop out of pit window. Okay, that's the game. So, keep it up. This is good.
HPP on.
So, we shouldn't have any more leaders, Lance, coming through. So, traffic should be clear. So, just keep up the consistency.
OK, this is now lap 35 and we can start using this tyre now. Let's start using the tyre.
Just have a think about the balance as well. Let me know on the main straight. Yeah, it's okay.
I think we can keep going, no?
OK, so you've done a good job, but at this point we are just losing total race time, OK? So we will come out behind some cars. Stay out for now. Come out behind some cars. We need time to pass them.
We'll box this lap. Box this lap. It'll be hard tyre.
Tyre green, dry R.
OK, so you may be racing cars at pit exit. Let's get a good exit.
So car ahead is Bottas, 29 lap hold hard.
Okay, Lance, so there's four cars ahead, all on 25 to 30 lap old tyres. And at the head of that group, Tsunoda, is P9, Hulkenberg, P10, okay? So that is the game for you. Twenty-five laps to go. It's going to be fun.
So next car is Ricciardo, 28 lap hard.
Sprint for Ricciardo ahead. Sprint for Ricciardo ahead. T-28, mid-23s.
I'm at 22.
We still think Lifting Coast has the advantage. We still think Lifting Coast has the advantage. Maybe we're halfway in the last stint. Maybe we're halfway in the last stint. But Lifting Coast will be good for performance.
HPP off.
So Ricciardo is 2kph slower, DRS off. We do have a speed advantage.
Lovely work, mate, lovely work. So, Hulkenberg car ahead is 25 lap old hard.
Correction, Hulkenberg, 29 lap old hard. Around a second and a half a lap quicker.
And we can use early overtake, Lance. Early energy is okay for us.
So we don't need any K0 lamps. Early energy is OK. And a final corner.
Hulkenberg is moaning he stopped early. He does have high deck.
Concentrate on speed. Take your time, we've got 19 laps to go.
Hulkenberg is P10, so this is for P10.
You beauty. Nice one, mate. So we were about 1.3 faster than Tsunoda before, so...
Tsunoda is 33 laps old hard. 33 laps old hard.
Okay, Lance, so get back into your rhythm. You've got 17 laps remaining, 17 laps remaining. Just a reminder, we get back into lift and coast as well, so it's about half what you did the last stint, okay? So a little bit more than what you've done now.
17 laps remaining. 17 laps remaining. Just a reminder, we get back into lift and coast as well. So it's about half what you did the last stint, okay? So a little bit more than what you've done now.
OK, let's get HPP back on. HPP on.
OK, Lance, so just a reminder, when you press the energy button, you can do it as early as possible at the final corner, OK? Energy button as early as possible at the final corner when you need it.
Nice. Good job. Bit of free air now.
OK, Lance, good job. So, 13 laps to go. 13 laps to go. You've already dropped off Tsunoda behind. Let's just get back into lift and coast. Let's just use our pace. So, back into lift and coast. Get your rhythm.
And you're on P9. This is P9.
OK, so this will be 10 laps to go. 10 laps to go. Lift and coast is on the lower side for us, but happy for you to experiment. Tsunoda's dropping way behind, so you can experiment for yourself and see.
Okay, let's get HPP off. HPP off. That's now eight laps to go. Eight laps to go. Verstappen car behind is the race leader. He's eight back, but we're the same pace as him, so eight laps to go.
That's 7 to go, lads. 7 to go.
That's six to go, six laps to go. I'll take an update on tyres and balance when you can as well. Everything feels pretty stable.
And that's five to go, five laps to go.
Four laps to go. Four to go.
So that will be three laps to go, three laps to go. Verstappen is still seven seconds back, so he's not going to trouble us. Fernando is stopping for a fastest lap, so he's just coming up the pitlane ahead of you. He'll charge and then he'll move away, OK? So he won't hold us up.
Fernando is a lap down as well. Lap down.
Do I have a pit window for fastest lap?
Negative. We do not have a pit window. We're staying out.
So Fernando will let us past and we can tell him we might let us past.
If he wants to do a next lap, I can give him DRS, but I'm going to let him go again.
Copy. I think he's going now, mate, so he'll just go. Don't worry too much. Two laps to go.
Fuck you, DRS. Let him go.
OK, so as you guessed, it will give him DRS on the main straight. He'll come past us, OK?
That's okay, so he's in DRS now.
Hill drive past us. You just carry on. You've got a lap to go. Let's do Strat 5. Strat 5.
We want to stay ahead of the leaders there. Four seconds behind Fernando.
OK, so cars behind have taken the flag, so just close the lap.
OK, that's the chequered flag, so keep going. We'll take the chequered flag. Well done, mate. So that's P9. That's P9. That's a good race. Well done.
Yeah, good race. Good recovery at the end.
OK, mate, so we just need a couple of switches. So it's run, switch, warm-up. Run, switch, warm-up.
And then it's MFB, PU1, position 12. MFB, PU1, position 12.
So I just need MFB PU1 position 12. Yeah, I see that going in. That all looks good for me now, thank you.
So, top ten, Lance, for info. So, you've got Verstappen, Norris, Leclerc at the podium, Piastri, Sainz, Hamilton, the top six, and then Russell, Perez, Mr Stroll, and then Tsunoda, the final point, P10.
That's just P's there, a reminder as well. We'll see you back at the office, well done.