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Lance Stroll
OK, Lance, if we can switch off. That's a decent position in the queue. It will take a while to warm up the tyres from here, but this is a good position in the queue for us.
You can go back to P2, Lance, as well, just so we keep the time. Back to P2.
So, as an example, that Sauber that's pulled out of that garage, he's not in the fast lane. He got there later than you and he's also not over that yellow line, OK? So we should be going straight behind the car that's in front of you, the McLaren. The Sauber should not be getting out in front of us.
So if right now you put a wheel over the yellow line, you would not be in the queue. If you just pull there right now, put a wheel over the line.
In that case, he'd be joining the queue later than you, so he should be behind you. And they're pulling him back as well, that's probably why.
So that's now just two minutes to go, Lance. Two minutes.
OK Lance, so that's 40 seconds. We can fire up. You can fire up.
That's 10 seconds, so we'll go green soon. It's obviously taken us a while to get out. A reminder, Lance, once we get going, we must keep rolling, so we can't be holding anyone up. But let's leave a good gap at the pit exit, just to make sure we can have a decent outlap.
OK, so we can leave a nice big gap before safety car 2. First car's Hamilton, outlap. He's turned 10 now. So you can build a big gap, Lance. Let's make sure we get a good outlap. So you've got Piastri 2 ahead. Hamilton's at turn 12. Piastri 4 ahead. Piastri 5 ahead. And 6. So tyres on the cool side. Let's get a good fast outlap. Gap head 7.
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Let's get a good stop at turn 10. We can be 0 on the dash at the end of the lap, Lance. Just take that delta back. There's a couple of cars still to go. There's a good gap behind so you've got Fernando 11 back just on an outlap.
OK, Lancer, we think it'll be a warm-up lap. So let's do front switch warm-up. Front switch warm-up. We think others are doing the same. Let's treat it as a prep lap. So delta's all good. Still got a good lap behind, so let's go.
OK, so Hamilton is pushing 9 back. There are still two cars ahead to go. So let's use the delta. Use the delta. We can't impede Hamilton. He's 8 back, but let's get closer to him. Hamilton's 7 pushing. It'll be go 1. So that gap ahead is good. Let's go.
So close the lap then run switch cool. We'll take a cool lap. It's clear behind for now.
Let's get K0. You can press K0.
So let's just make sure we're just negative, Lance, on the delta. I'm not expecting any traffic this lap. Should be in sync with everyone.
So, Lance, there are some cars ahead on slow laps. You've got Gasly pushing. He's around 20 back now, so we might get him towards the end of this lap. That should be it.
Delta is still good. Gap ahead is four. There's still several cars to go.
OK, so it might be, we might have to leave a smaller gap over the line lunch. We might get some traffic. There's still a...
So, it'll be Gasly 6 back. We're going to have to get out of his way. Gasly 4 back. Gasly 3 back. You can ignore the delta. Gasly 2 back. And then it's Russell in 4. Russell in 3. Russell in 2. Might have to let Russell go and then go. And it'll be go 1.
Okay, so you've got Hamilton in free.
Okay, Lance, so close the lap and then it's run switch delta. We can push on the way in to get the car back.
So just need to keep the pace up. That's good for now. That's P4, Fernando P3. So let's just get the car back, just for timing. We are tight.
So if you let Fernando go now, that's good. You've got Gasly pushing in 5. Gasly pushing in 4. We'll be boxing this lap. Keep an eye out for the weighbridge. You've got Gasly in 3.
And Lance, just have a think about flap as well. You don't have to let me know quite yet. Just have a think.
Yeah, it seems quite okay. I think so.
OK, let's just remember to build a gap. Let's build a good gap, Lance. This is Fernando. You've got Hamilton on a push. Sainz will be pushing as well.
Gap ahead is five. Gap ahead is six. Okay, we're good. This is a good gap.
So, first car pushing is Magnussen. 17 back, he's in turn 4. Good speed now.
Okay, so Hamilton ahead. He will box at the end of the lap. Good. So, Fernando, we have this blue car to go, Kevin. It's just Fernando. That's the blue car to go. It's just Kevin Magnussen, who just needs to head back down to his back now. So. Don't brake yet. Let's use all the delta. Use all the delta. Go 1. Use all the minus delta. Use the delta. Go 1. We are minus delta. Gap ahead is good. Let's go.
OK, so close the lap, run towards cool, we'll take a cool lap. Russell behind is in phase, so Piastri final corner.
So, Russell's in phase. Let's get K0. K0.
So, timing's all good, Lance. It's just getting position on track. So, you've got Piastri 6 back. He's pushing, just coming up the hill.
Piastri in 4, Piastri in 3. Let him go. Piastri in 2, Piastri in 1. And then it's Perez in 5. He's pushing. Perez in 4, in 3, in 2.
So don't worry about the delta, watch out for Perez.
Perez with you now.
Copy, okay, we'll feed that back. So you've got Zhou pushing in 3. Zhou is just out of turn 8 now. So Zhou 2 back, pushing.
So next one Hamilton in 4, that should be it. So Hamilton in 3 and 2. Hamilton pushing in 2.
Let's try and get a good stop if we can. We're going to stay ahead of Leclerc, who's 8 back. So Leclerc is pushing 4 and 3. We might have to let him go, but let's keep elbows out after that. This is good, Lance. We can go here.
OK, Lance, so close the lap. You've got Piastri pushing behind. You need to be careful now. There's going to be lots of pushing cars, OK? So make sure we're out of the way. So Piastri in 2, pushing.
So next car pushing is Perez in 7. Magnussen is on the way in. He might be quick.
So you've got Perez in 5, Perez in 4, Perez in 3 pushing, Perez 2.
And then you've got Zhou in 3, Zhou in 2, Zhou in 1. That should be it. So let's get out the way of Zhou. He is pushing.
Okay, so everyone else is in phase for the first laps. All clear behind for now.
Doing another lap? No, no. We're done. Session's over. We are P7. We are through. Well done, mate.
We can just try and get the delta back towards zero, Lance.
Let's get run-switch delta. Run-switch delta. Try and get it back towards zero and we'll box this lap.
Careful, you're getting a back to zero. It's not possible, man. That's okay, that's okay. We let loads of cars go, so it's box in this lap, Lance. Just watch out for the weighbridge.
OK, so it will be a hard-out lap for tyres. We've got Hulkenberg finishing a lap. Ocon and Gasly are starting laps, Lance. Ocon is starting a lap. Gasly is starting a lap behind him. So Ocon's gone. It's Gasly fall back. He'll be pushing. So Gasly with you now. He's pushing. So he's clear behind for now. He's got Ricciardo. He's on a cool lap. He's in sync with you. So we want to keep ahead of Ricciardo. You've got Piastri pushing in 5. So Piastri in 5 pushing. So you've got Piastri in 4 pushing. So Piastri in 3 pushing.
So, Piastri in 2. OK, then Frecchiato behind, he's in 7th with us.
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So Temps are still on the low side. I'm going to stay ahead of Albon who's pushing. He's in turn 9 now.
Okay, let's use all the delta. We're not sure if Hulkenberg's going a lot, so we should build a gap to him. So still two or three cars to go ahead, so it will be go 1. Albon is pushing his Albon in 6 and 5 and 4. Gap ahead is a good K, so it's go 1. It's good.
I have understeer at turn 5 and oversteer at turn 8.
Okay, so run switch cool. Run switch cool.
Okay, so we can get run to his delta. We'll have Piastri-Gasly pushing. So it'll be Gasly pushing in 6. He's just opening a lap. Get run to his delta. Push on the way in.
Gasly is backed off. Hulkenberg in 12. He's pushing. He's just on the way up the hill.
OK, so Hulkenberg is car behind. He's eight back, pushing.
OK, so time is OK, so we can stay close to the delta. Give me a gap on Hulkenberg. Give me a gap. Hulkenberg's 5. It's just him.
Hulkenberg 4. Hulkenberg 3. Boxing this lap. Watch out for the weight bridge. Hulkenberg 3 and 2.
And that's Weybridge. That is Weybridge. That's Weybridge.
I said time is not a concern, Lance.
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Lord, me versus me. Me versus me on the data.
OK, let's just try and build a nice big gap over S2. There's some cars starting laps now, Lance. I'm just trying to tie myself with them. So, let's back away. Let's back off now just to build a big gap for Albon. Albon's on lap. So let's stay ahead. OK, so that's a big slow now. Let's build a big gap to Leclerc. OK, so that's OK. So that's GovHead4 now. That's OK. So you want to stay ahead of Sainz. He's done a good job. You've got Ocon pushing in. OK, he's backed off. So you've got Ocon on the prep in 8. There's a temperature on the low side, Lance. So let's try and push through the turn as much as we can. We'll be OK. If we can't get out of Leclerc, that'll be very good.
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Okay, so we need to be on the delta as much as we can. Let's use all of it as much as we can because these cars ahead are going to wait. There's no cars pushing behind, so we just need to use all that delta. It will be go 1. We can try and push through the final two corners. We need to keep ahead of Ocon. He's too back. He's in sync with us. We need to stay ahead of Ocon. Gap ahead 3. So using all the delta. Gap ahead is 3. We need to build a bigger gap. Build the bigger gap. So gap ahead is 5. Okay, let's go.
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OK, that's a close lap. You have Russell opening a lap behind you and then Tsunoda is 5 behind him, so let's stay out of these traffic. You've got Russell with you now and then you've got Tsunoda in 5. Tsunoda in 5. Too much traffic in 4th fret. And then you've got Verstappen in... OK, so Verstappen's in sync with us.
It's P13 for now, I'm afraid, mate. P13.
So if we just get in front of each Delta Lance and just make sure it's negative as well.
OK, so we can let the delta... we'll just release a little bit on the delta, Lance. Just take it easy.
Just take it easy on the way in.
So it's all clear behind all boxes now.
Looks like P14 as well. Just keep an eye out for the weightbridge.