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Esteban Ocon
Green light, two burnouts, static 5.5 down the start.
OK, so Verstappen in the car behind now. No cars on pushlaps yet. First car is Fernando. He's at turn 12.
Just clarification on that headwind out of turn 3 and then a tailwind down to 12.
You look very light.
As a reminder, you've got tools available in this first run. Suggest going down on diff mid first if you have any low speed understeer.
Okay, I may have had six cars to go in front close proximity. Might be a bit of waiting round.
Clear of traffic behind. Everyone on outlaps.
Just Magnussen to go now.
Let's make a decent gap. Good drive through 14 if we can. And recharge off.
Okay, recharge on. So car behind Verstappen just finishing a time lap now. Pierre's first time 22.08 for info.
Okay, so we suggest not using the modifier at turn 2. I see a little bit of rear locking there, frankly.
Yeah, copy. Okay, so clear traffic behind the moment. Everything feel okay so far? Yeah, at the moment it's okay. Okay, that's good. So, single cool lap if we can. Keep us in phase with everyone around.
So, single cool, nice and steady.
We'll see where we are after that if we need double-cools or not. Most cars out there on the medium tyre, a few other times where you've got Tsunoda and Bottas on a 21.4 on their first lap, Hamilton 21.4 as well, we're P10 of 15 at the moment.
Got Stroll six seconds behind on a timed lap.
Sustainable running at the moment.
Stroll two seconds timed. Clear behind Stroll.
Okay, four cars to go in front, no traffic behind at the moment.
Albon behind. Outlap.
Three cars to go in front.
Next car pushing behind is Leclerc who's about 8 seconds.
Leclerc turn 13 entry now. Don't have a gap to him. Watch for him coming through.
OK, recharge on. Clear from traffic behind at the moment. Next car back, Stroll. Correction, Stroll is boxed. OK, so Pierre's second lap at 21.15. I'll get you some driving differences in a moment.
How is the balance?
Yeah, it was not too bad. A bit understeer mid-corner of 1. A little bit in 2 as well. Losing more the rears at the end of the lap.
You've got the option of that closed modifier, 12 and 13. We've got Albon on a time-lapse six seconds behind. Watch for him.
Give us some driving advice shortly. Albon, three seconds.
OK, next car behind Russell. Timed lap 7 seconds. Clear behind Russell.
Okay, Russell, three seconds time lap. Happy to go into a double cool at this point.
Car is behind, pushing now Leclerc. Got no accurate gap to Leclerc at the moment, about 9 seconds I think.
OK, so Leclerc, three and a half. I'm going to let him through and then clear behind him.
And then next car, Tsunoda. Six seconds. Going into a double cool-up. Tsunoda, four seconds timed.
That's a second cool-up.
We have Norris behind starting a time lap now. Magnussen is just finishing a time lap.
Okay, and should be clear of traffic behind. Magnussen, Behrmann both finished time-lapse now. And then Norris on another slow.
Should be in phase with everyone at this point. Ok, so main lap time differences to Pierre. Most of the lap time in sector 1. Main losses. Losing a little bit on the straight, which we kind of expected for this session anyway. Just need to make sure we focus on exit of turn 1. I know you said you had some understeer there.
Next major loss at mid-corner at turn 11. Just minimum speed through there.
How's the high speed diff at the moment, turn 11, I'm thinking? Yeah, it's OK at the moment. OK, understood.
We're carrying a little bit more speed into turn 5 as well, losing a little on the entry. It's about neutral at the moment, but might just want to tidy that exit up if we can.
It looks decent so far. So we're pushing this time.
No traffic behind us.
After this next lap, Esteban, I'm happy to do a double cool and one more push, if it will be helpful.
Bottas six seconds behind pushing. Suggest we go now.
OK, recharge on. So, Pierre's last lap at 20.85. What's your main balance limitation at the moment? The car kind of turned itself on braking. So, high speed braking turn 1, turn 2, turn 11. And then I got big corner understeer later on. Not the best. OK, understood. We'll have a look at that. Feel that rotation is kind of end of brake or at peak.
Yeah, it's from peak, from high speed. Yeah, okay, understood. Okay, we've got Albon pushing behind four seconds. Just need to let him through.
Okay, we suggest going forwards on brake bias. We can see some rear locking in those places, so go to 1.5 on the dash. Two clicks forward. Piastri, four and a half behind pushing.
Where? Where is that?
Watch for Piastri, one second.
It's generally around the lap that turns probably 1, 2, turn 6, turn 12, they're all a bit rear limited so we think going forwards will help.
So I have to go for a second to cool up.
Okay, mate, so watch for Sainz. Seven seconds behind. Have to go for a second cool-up. Yeah, copy. I don't feel that rear-locking you're talking about, though. Okay, it's something we see that we don't think is helping, so I do think it's worth trying to go forwards a little, see if we can improve it. Sainz, two seconds. Finishing a time-lap now. Might have cars starting time-laps behind, I'll let you know. Verstappen is the first one. Seven seconds. He'll be pushing this time. Okay, so driving advice, minimum speed turn 2. I'll let you know as we go. Watch for Verstappen and Magnussen.
Magnussen has just finished a time-lap. Mexcar behind Tsunoda, again just finished a time-lap.
And then next car behind pushing Hamilton, five seconds.
The other option, Esteban, on that brake will be to try brake 4, so you can keep the brake bias on the dash where it is and try brake 4 just to bring brake bias forwards towards end of brake. Yeah, copy, but it doesn't feel like it's the rear-locking though. No, sure, OK. Understood.
Okay, so we're going for one more push lap after this. Bottas on a time lap, about eight seconds behind.
Bottas, five seconds, timed.
Bottas coming through. Clear behind now. Okay, mate, so main areas to gain mid-corner, turn 2. Mid-corner, turn 6 and 7. Pierre's going a little bit more through there.
And after that it's fairly even. In some places we gain a little as well. OK mate, so let's go for one more lap and then we'll be boxing.
Brake 5, guys, at the start of the lap.
Okay, correction, we weren't intending to use that. So, okay, watch for Ricciardo behind. He's just finished a time lap, should have backed off. If we can have an aero cruise after turn 3, please.
Okay, so it'll be aero P4 for us this time after turn 3.
Yeah, we need an alarm for that. That could be terminal, really. Yeah, I mean, it does flash on your dash. We weren't intending to use it, but yeah, we'll keep an eye on it. Okay, mate, so one more aero cruise after 11, please, down to 12.
That's P4, we need air recruits at P4, that's it.
Okay, perfect. And boxing now. Clear of traffic behind us.
OK, so Matt, this turnaround is going to be reasonably short. We'll make any changes that we need to and then get back out there on this set and see what we can learn. Get some comments when you've played it.
OK, so straight out.
Okay, so clear behind Stroll. Just exiting the last corner now. Not sure if he's on a single or double cool.
Correction, stroll box, so plenty of space. Only 10 cars on track. We have a slippery surface warning at turn 12. It's not impossible that's maybe gravel or debris there.
If we can keep this outlap nice and steady, just keep those tyre temps as under control as possible.
Sergeant behind is on an outlap.
He's on the soft tyre, so he'll be low fuel.
Okay, so there's reports of debris on the right-hand side before turn 12, so keep to the left there. Have a look.
Circuit to the left now.
Let's go brake three. Brake three.
Exonergise the surfaces. Exonergise the surfaces, push through 14. Good to go.
And VSC, VSC. So they're going to be clearing that debris. So let's continue to cool. Let's go for one lap this time, Esteban. Let's see if we can get a feel for it. And then we'll come in, pass ourselves some more time. So that debris has been removed. Expect the VSC to end. So let's just continue. Bring the tyre temps down this lap. Still a little on the high side.
And then we'll go for one push lap, see where we are.
No traffic behind, only Verstappen in front.
Okay, so we're in brake at 4 at the moment. So just a reminder, we need to shift that brake bias forwards between turns 3 and 4.
That's two clicks forwards after turn 3. Okay, so let's go for a single timed.
Okay, good gap in front. Recharge off and go.
Okay, mate. So, if we want three push laps on the soft tyre, we need to come in this lap. If you've got a feel for it. Yeah, let's come in this lap. Okay, understood. So, we've got Sargeant five seconds behind. He should have just finished a time lap, so he should be okay there.
Okay, and we'll have Zhou on a fast lap on the soft tyre 5 behind him. Okay, did you feel that was improved, my question?
Initially no, in turn 1, then I think you're a little bit better. Watch for Zhou 3 behind him. Yeah. Still lacking front end mid-corner. OK mate, understood. So Zhou coming through now. How is the high speed balance now? Yeah, it's the turning that improved a little bit. OK, that's good to know.
OK mate, so we're going to box now, do a practice pitstop. Yeah, let's please keep the brake 4 and make the right work with it if you can.
Okay, so we'll see what we can fit in. So we're going to box now. Do a practice pit stop.
Box, box, practice pitstop.
No launch, no launch.
OK mate, so once you're plugged in, get some feedback, I'll run through what I would like to try for the next run.
I do suspect it comes from the brake map. Not much else, I think.
As in the improvement is the brake map, yeah, understood. I think the fact that the other change was kind of transparent is not a bad thing because we believe there are benefits in having it like we have now, so that in itself is not a bad thing. We'll get some comments when you plug in.
Okay, mate, so going straight out.
So, at the moment, we've got four cars from turn 9 to turn 12 on high fuel. Other than that, the track is quite quiet, so let's see if we can make the best of this first lap.
Okay, Esteban, we need to...
Okay, standby please. We've got Russell 13 seconds behind time-lapse.
So, Russell 5 behind.
OK, Russell, three seconds time lap. He's high fuel and then behind him, Sainz, could still be low fuel.
Okay, so all modifiers are good for as discussed. We need to make that gap to Russell. Let's go brake 4 now, please.
OK, recharge on.
Okay, so Russell high fuel 5 behind. Track's going to start getting busy about now, so we're going into double cool.
Russell, three seconds to hot.
And Hamilton, high fuel, six seconds behind.
Hamilton coming through, two seconds. Okay, mate, so how was the balance, please?
Entry is OK, it's mid-corner understeer, so we have a margin to do more basically. Understood. Let's go down on diff mid. That's probably one tool we've got at the moment. Could also consider a step on torque as well. Sainz 4 seconds behind. He's high fuel running at this point.
And then next car, Leclerc, also high fuel on the hard six seconds.
Leclerc 3.
OK, next car, Piastri, 8 seconds.
So, going into a second cool-up.
Piastri four seconds now, and then he has Pierre seven seconds behind him, all high fuel running.
Ok, just nice and steady, particularly on the straights on the way round now.
Pierre, five seconds. High fuel running. We've got cars leaving the pitlane behind now. High fuel as well. That's the point it's going to start getting tricky. Pierre, two seconds. Let him through.
Okay, I would let the group of cars leaving the pitlane behind now through.
So next car Perez and Zhou. We're going to have to let everyone through behind at the moment. But we do have some reasonable gaps about 30 seconds behind.
Okay, should I slow down? Just keep going in the place you are at the moment. Next car coming through is Sargeant.
We've got Magnussen on an outlap. Sargeant outlap high fuel. So those two can come through. Then a gap to Perez who's low fuel at the moment. So we're in sync with Perez.
So Perez four seconds behind. Then behind him, Fernando, high fuel outlap. This might be one of our best gaps at this point. So between who and who? So I'd say we want to keep in front of Fernando if we can. I think that's our best bet at this point. He's about 10 seconds behind.
Behind him is a big string of cars, they're only two seconds apart each.
So let's go brake 4. Slow up down to 13. Fernando, 6 seconds. There's a gap in front. It's decent at the moment.
Recharge off and let's go when you're ready.
Ok mate, so we've got time to do double cool fast or if you're not sure we're going to learn much on that last lap then we could just go sustainable now and see what we get. Yeah, let's do that. Let's go scenario 3 please and we can push from now. We've got a decent spot here on track, let's try and keep it.
And Sox 6, last switch change. Sox 6 should get five laps.
OK, so that's four laps to the chequered flag.
I have hit some debris from the cam front.
Okay, man, understood. We'll keep an eye on everything.
Debris tenfold.
Okay, so two more laps from now.
Diff exit 3. Diff exit 3 when you can.
Alright, last lap. Last lap.
Okay, so we're going to cool the car on the way to the grid, please. Cooling the car and the tyres as best we can.
And we're going to the grid and we're going to do a start on the left-hand side.
Okay mate, so after a few sustainable laps, how was the balance generally? A few cars high running on the soft front. Yeah, the rear takes up quite a bit all the way.
From right mid-corner to traction.
Yeah, copy that.
That's probably common with most of the teams that run it. Okay, so going to the grid, I'll let you know about burnouts when we get there. It'll be a start on the left and then we'll be pushing to pit entry.
Just keep cooling the car and tyres on the way there, and then we'll do a practice pitstop with both cars. Pierre's the first car, he's about 20 seconds in front at the moment, so plenty of time.
Alright, so it will just be two burnouts before I start on the left and then push to pit entry.
I'm pushing to pit entry.
Box this lap. Practice pitstop.
Practice pitstop, no launch.
Alright, I'll get some comments when you put them.
When I switched off the car, there was like a clack-clack. I don't know if there is anything, but it was different than usual. Understood. We'll have a check over.
OK, we'll just get a couple of key comments now, Ron, or we won't keep you in there for long.