🦎 Live Audio Processing for motorsports
Logan Sargeant
Sainz, 1B on. We open on the left. Keep pushing.
Keep pushing, keep pushing. Fastest lap, keep 0.5.
I have to push again. Sainz 4 behind.
I can't with Russell. Yeah, I see that. Sainz 2 behind pushing and then you have Stroll 8 behind.
Try to stay ahead of Stroll. Stay ahead of Stroll. So you keep pushing. After Stroll, I have a gap of 13 to Ricciardo. Sainz in a cool. If you need to let Stroll pass, there's a large gap beyond Stroll. So you could use that. Stroll within one. Stroll within one. Then gap of 13 to Ricciardo. Ricciardo slow.
Okay, we target zero. Just focus on dropping the gap of 15 to Ricciardo Sloan.
Currently P12 fastest lap, 14.7.
Just have Alex pushing within 13. That's right. Use the gap behind. Use the gap of 13 to Alex.
Alex, 12. Use the gap. Use the gap.
That's Alex 5. Alex 4. Alex 3. And open your lap, open your lap.
Okay, we target minus five. Take it slow because I'm sensing eight minus five. Drop the rear.
And Oscar behind 13 is Alex again, so I'll try to drop the rear progressively.
Hulkenberg in single. Yeah, the problem is on these slowdowns, I keep losing the fronts. Copy, try to keep the front. I do outstop Alex within 11.0. Is the balance any flapper just? Balance, low speed is very good. High speed, I'm lacking some front, correlating quite well. Brake, and I feel quite, I don't feel comfortable there. Is that from the rear? A bit of both to be honest, rear additional. And then I feel like I'm just lacking grip and not sure what the car is going to do. Alex pushing within 5. Then Magnussen 9, pushing as well. Bottas ahead is slow, got a few cars to open. So Alex 4, Magnussen 8. There's a good gap behind Magnussen, so you can let Alex and Magnussen pass. Alex 4, 3, 2, 1, with you. And Magnussen 4, 3, 2, 1, with you. Gap of 12 car lengths, so use the gap, use the gap.
Use the gap. Gap 9. Use the gap. Everything you can. Gap 8. Gap 7. Gap 6.
5. Gap 5. Alexis, you did 15.6. Gap 4. And you go push.
Gap 2 seconds. Let's try to push again. Let's try to push again. Do not abort.
Okay, I saw that, I saw that. So you go cool. Drop the rear, drop the rear. Stroll pushing 2 behind and 1. Stroll with you. Hamilton, Stroll, Verstappen pushing. Watch Alex pushing within 4, within 4.
We are happy to open Hamilton in sync. Alex pushing within two. Watch out, Alex. Alex with you.
Next lap, pushing Piastri within two and one. After Piastri, Bottas in sync. After Bottas the gap of six to Ricciardo. Bottas in sync. Ricciardo six pushing and five and four. Ricciardo four and three. Ricciardo three.
Can I review? I'll try to take that slow. Drop the rear, try to keep the front. You have Ocon pushing within three.
Yeah, I have no grip left here, mate. OK, let's try to top the DRS, see where it comes. Ocon within one. Ocon pushing, one. And Bottas, two. Bottas, two. Pushing, one.
After Bottas, Souda in sync, Nesca pushing, Leclerc within 8, Leclerc 8 pushing, followed by Norris, that's Leclerc 6, Norris 10, Norris in sync, so Leclerc pushing 5, it's clear after Leclerc.
Mate, there's crap all over the track. Copy. I'll watch out for Leclerc at 5. Use the gap. And after Leclerc, I'll look outside and sink.
I lost GPS. Watch out Leclerc.
Okay, all cars behind are in sync. You have a gap of six seconds. Let's use that.
Try to open one more. You go mode 2, please.
I've hit the gap to Ricciardo. 5 to Tsunoda in 6. I have no effect.
Okay, turn 9. I'm not sure where I am at. Copy. I'll try to open one more. There's a yellow ahead. Yellow ahead. Let's open. It's about 2. It's clear. Go push. Try clear at turn 1.
Take minus 10, single slow. Keep the front up. Keep the front up. Tsunoda, watch out. Tsunoda within 3, pushing. Tsunoda 3, pushing. Do you think the tyres can do one more lap? They're still only... Tsunoda in sync, Bottas pushing at turn 1.
Uh, the tyre is pretty damn bad. Watch out Bottas 4. Bottas 4 pushing followed by Norris 6 and Bottas 3. Norris in 6, Bottas 2 pushing. Bottas 1. So, okay, so we can open another one if we want for you or we can box and do a turnaround in garage.
Let's do a turnaround. Okay, now box, box. So, Toyota's off-car effect. Keep temperature in the car.
Okay, left foot behind box, box.
Box, box. Max engine off.
OK, now back to top.
What do you think on the flap? Wait a second.
Just make your gap to the car ahead. It just starts looking slow at the moment. I think the track is going to get quieter. I'm in turn ahead. I'm in turn on a new medium.
Captain in turn 4. Gap 5. Leclerc still slow at turn 18. Let's see if he's open.
Okay, can I have tyres switched to medium? Please don't switch to medium. Leclerc 13, pushing. I'd like to stay ahead of him.
Happy to use the gap. Gap 4, gap 5 and we go push.
My tyres are nowhere, man.
OK, let's think of this lap as a prep lap. Two at a time, better win the next lap. Same for everybody on track at the moment. Gap to 14 behind, two Leclerc pushing.
Gap ahead is good.
Okay, watch out. Hamilton pushing for behind. I will take a single slow quick slot. I guess man and five. Focus on maintaining front. Maintaining front. Hamilton four behind.
Hamilton in sync, in sync, so just focus on maintaining front. Target minus 5.
Sorry about that. It's fine. I love my laps.
Infector 1 and 2 were relative to Alex. Alex opened the first lap in due prep.
Good gap ahead, turn to Russell.
And the lap was good up to Russell everywhere apart from turn 6. So let's keep building on that. You're doing good, mate.
Good gap 11 ahead. Hamilton six behind in sync.
You can use the gap to Hamilton. Gap 6. Use the gap to Hamilton. Gap 6. Still gap 6.
OK, let's open the lap.
Take a single slow. Maintain front target 0 on the dash. Behind 7 Hamilton. Potentially Imsing at feedback.
Yeah, I'm just not going to put it all together, mate. That's fine, that's why you have a lot of laps. I'm in turn 5 behind. I expect him to be in sync.
This is so, so unpredictable at the moment.
So, sector-wise, on your first lap, you're matching what Alex did. Sector 2, you're only tenths away from him, whereas sector 3, where we lose, it's five tenths to Alex. Let's keep building up on what we know.
Do you remember target zero? Maintaining front.
We have a good gap of 11, Hamilton. Sainz, Perez ahead. I am about to open. Perez forehead. Kluska pushing Kelnberg at 11 and start to use that gap. Kelnberg at 8.
8, 7, use the gap to come back, 6, 5, 4, 3, and you go push.
Front left, front left. Copy, copy. Box.
Copy box, copy box. Watch out Hamilton, pushing, approaching turn 5. Is the steering straight? Steering straight, but I hit it way too hard for nothing to have happened. OK, so watch out in the tunnel, watch out in the tunnel. That's Hamilton pushing within 6. Hamilton 5. Tyre pressures are OK. Hamilton 4.
Hamilton one, pushing. After Hamilton, it's clear.
Cautious coming in.
Everything feels OK, but... yeah. OK, copy. Box, box. No traffic behind.
OK, so just watch out. Stroll is opening at turn 1. Stroll opening at turn 1. And on your left, you just have to watch out for Russell and Albon. Russell and Albon. So Bottas in sync with you. Bottas gap 4 and 5. Alex Pitit. And there's just Russell opening gap 4. Russell pushing within 4. After Russell, there's a good gap of 10 to Zhou pushing. Russell 3 and 2. One with you. And a gap of 10 to Zhou.
I'm going to go push. I will be doing a prep-push, prep-push.
I assume just one behind.
Zou is slow. Zou will be slow. That's a prep. Yeah, prep push.
You can use the gap of 6 behind. Sainz is about to open. Sainz 4 ahead. Use the gap of 7 behind. Sainz ahead. Gap 3. Gap 4. Stroll slow behind. Sainz still not open. Sainz 3. 4. Hugo Busch.
I'm going to take a slinger slow. Keep the front up. Target zero on the dash. Noise opening 4 behind.
Nice, Norris. 2. Pushing. And 1. With you. Stroll behind in sync. 90.0 on the dash, maintain front.
And quickly on sector 1, 2 Alex, 2 tenths. Sector 2 on that lap is 9 tenths, but from the previous run it's 3 tenths and sector 3, 4 tenths.
Can't be told I had it in sync with you.
Last lap of 8.2 seconds. 8.2 seconds slow. Don't feel behind.
Gap at 4.
And I'm not running your GoPros.
Okay. Take a single so watch out for debris turn 1. Debris turn 1.
OK, and target plus five drop rear. We'll have another lap, we'll push about it. Another lap, we'll push about. And Sainz pushing within four watch out. Operation Sainz in sync. But first car pushing is Ocon. Ocon within nine.
Yeah, I just don't feel the same grip anymore. Okay, Ocon, within six pushing. Start to focus on that target and dropping the rear.
For the consec, back on the first set, you think we add flap, red flag, red flag, so go in, go in. Keep temperature on the car, keep temperature on the car.
Yeah, I would have added flat for this run as well.
Copy, copy.
Do you want plus one or plus two? Plus one. And Danny Rick or Yuki got in my way through the back. Which was really bad.
Okay, stop. Box engine off.
Produce a quick comment from me. Paceway to focus is done 3, 10 and 16 compared to Alex. The rest is much more in line.
Any laps that we get? I don't know yet.
One minute, one minute to win. We'll have 10 minutes left in session.
Switch off. Yeah, correct. Switch off. P1 back to P2.
You should have seven laps.
Start the car, please.
Press HPP.
OK, and green. Green, so you have 10 minutes, should be 7 laps. We expect rain to hit the track 3 minutes before the end of the session. I'll keep you informed on everything I have.
Go race, push immediately. Yeah, go race, go race. Open the gap and push straight away.
Okay, I might have only six time lap potentially. There's a very, very marginal drizzle in the pitlane. I'll let you know if there's anything of relevance hitting the track.
I have ramp T3. Level please.
It's potentially the same drizzle that we have. It's just on the horizon. Focus on putting temperature on this tyre.
Likely to be two more laps, two more laps.
Okay, two more laps, two more laps.
Brake is coming.
What's this Ferrari doing?
Opening your last lap.
Okay, we're taking the flag, taking the flag. We need a very slow lap, very slow lap. Dropping the rear, dropping the rear as much as you can.
So, drop the rear as much as you can and you're 16th, not a good start, you're 16th, Alex ahead of you, so I'll give you the side. Focus on that rear dropping.
Just quickly on P's lap, sector 2 was always good. I think sector 1, quite decent as well. A bit of traffic with Bottas on that last lap. We're losing maybe a touch sector 3, but not too bad as well. There were some good laps in the same temps than Alex. Good job, mate. Yeah, I feel like we're in a good place. Just didn't get that medium right and I think we have some good direction to move forward on.
Cool the P in the tunnel.
Keep doping the A as much as you can.
I keep dropping the brake. I keep dropping the brake. I keep dropping the brake. There will be two burnouts. Two burnouts and target at reference.
Out of reference for this compound, correct? Correct.
Okay, we'll be right-hand side, right-hand side, please.
Okay, we need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open the gap. Open the gap. Open the gap. We need to open the gap to Alex. He's currently 7 ahead. Alex, 7 ahead. Open
Gap to the left, turn to 10. Keep opening.
Gap to the right 17.
How was my draw? You were 2% shallow, plus two.
I'd like some free play.
Box, box, box, box, push up, pitch and trick.
Copy for turn 3. You will stress stop BNLX. No pitstop. No pitstop. Stop BNLX. Engine off.