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Esteban Ocon
OK, so straight out, no start and no DRS use, please.
Radio check into turn 4.
Yeah, thank you. Okay, good for me.
Cars in front, Behrmann and Sargeant.
OK, so just two cars to go in front, everyone behind on outlaps.
Sargeant's going front. Gap 5.5. Let's go brake 3, please. Recharge off. Good to go.
And break through.
Scenario 9. Keep pushing. Scenario 9. Keep pushing.
Okay, so we're going to recharge on and scenario 9 again. Tsunoda five seconds behind.
It looks like he's slowed as well.
We can go brake 5 here as well. Just going into a fast-slow-fast sequence now.
Okay, so I think we'll have Sainz coming through this time. He's on his second push lap. He's six seconds back. 20 second gap ahead currently. Plenty of space. Sainz coming through and then Magnussen as well. Another six seconds behind him.
OK, so car behind Magnussen now. Five seconds. Timed lap. We'll get five push laps this run, I think, or thereabouts. Magnussen, two and a half.
Clear behind Magnussen currently.
Clear of traffic behind.
Just need brake three. Correction, you're there already. Recharge off, we're good to go. Leclerc seven seconds back, pushing.
Okay, we can go back to brake 5 again. Just watch the fact you've got the modifier on. Clear of traffic behind Magnussen box.
OK, so in terms of traffic behind, we've got Sainz pushing now 7 seconds back. Currently the only car coming past. Sainz, 4 seconds. Time lap, how's the balance please? Yeah, a lot of understeer into turn 4. Poor traction, exit of 5. Some understeer in turn 10 as well. But the biggest was 4. Massive. Understood. Watch for Albon, 3 seconds back.
The tyres are getting worse already. Okay, mate, understood.
Zero bouncing. OK, understood. Just some oscillation on the last corner.
Yeah, copy that, we see that as well. Okay, clear of traffic behind at the moment.
So P3 with that time currently. Most cars out there on the hard tyre. Leclerc pushing behind now. Four seconds. Then we'll have Hamilton coming through. Another six behind him.
OK, mate, you could consider just going down on diff mid to help turn 4-5. Watch for Hamilton now. Two seconds.
Clear behind Hamilton.
I do have Ricciardo on a push lap at four seconds now.
Okay, so we've got Behrmann eight seconds behind starting a time lap now. Okay, main balance limitations when you can, please. Same again? Yeah, less in turn 4 really. A bit of understeer mid-corner, you know, through there, but not that much. Copy, watch for Behrmann.
Next car back. It was more traction of 5 is the worst, I think. Understood. Albon three seconds timed clear behind him.
OK mate, how's high speed balance turn 3, 9, 13, 14? 3 is OK, 9 slightly on the understeer side. OK, understood. Think it's worth seeing if we can add some front wing in just to combat some of that understeer?
Yeah, if you want to, yeah, we can try. Yeah, I think it might be worth a go at this early stage. We've got Russell on a timed lap, 6.5 behind. I suggest we box now for a flap adjust. We'll add some front wing in. How much would you like? Maybe a turn? Yep. Understood, OK. Watch for Russell, three seconds, and box now for a flap adjust.
Okay, I'm clear from traffic behind. So at the moment P7 with times Hamilton a tenth faster, Leclerc and Perez two-tenths.
OK, so boxing now for a flap adjust and then going back out. I'll let you know the plan afterwards.
The pitlane speed limiter is not very smooth, it's pushing and going back. Understood. Clear pit exit.
Big gap behind now, 20 seconds.
Most of the cars in front I think should be in phase with us at this point. Hamilton seven seconds up the road. Slow lap. And then Russell at turn 5. They're the next cars.
Okay, mate, so we can definitely do two more laps. Faster, faster. Just seeing if we can get a third in there somehow. I'll let you know on that one. We do have Behrmann eight seconds behind now on a timed, so just watch for him.
Barement two and a half, timed, clear behind him.
OK, the next car coming through, Perez, six seconds on a timed.
Decent gaps in front. Only Perez coming through now.
And we can go brake 3 now as well. Brake 3 now.
Okay, mate, so it's looking like fast-slow-fast or fast-double-cool-fast if we think we need it. We think single slows are fine at the moment. So it's looking fast-slow-fast, see what we get. Yeah, it doesn't feel very fine, but yeah. Okay, understood. Let's see what we get this time. We can go from there.
Okay, watch for Verstappen starting a time lap now. One second behind. And then behind him, Perez, six seconds, pushing now. Oh, correction, Perez, box. Okay, clear of traffic behind. Okay, mate, it's on timing. Happy to do a slow fast from here to keep us on schedule.
Yeah, I picked up massive understeer in turn 9 and 7. OK, understood.
Just, yeah, the front just not completely giving up basically. Okay, understood. Hamilton four seconds behind on a slow lap, I believe. Just watch your mirrors, please. And then Russell coming through timed as well, two and a half now.
Once Russell's through, it should be clear. Hamilton on a slow.
Okay, so I think you're on the right way with defi speed, obviously. Let's get another lap in and see what happens. And then I think we'll box and adjust the balance.
Still got the option to come down and take the mid as well.
Clear traffic behind. Plenty of space in front.
Sainz six seconds behind on a time lap. That was good to go. 20 seconds to go.
Keep pushing to turn 1. No DRS, please. Keep pushing to turn 1. No DRS.
Okay, that's good, thank you. So we are going to box now. We've got Ricciardo behind lightly on a push lap. Five and a half seconds.
If we can, we're going to try an aero cruise after turn 9. It's aero P3.
Sixth gear, so it's a little bit faster this one. We can go recharge off to help with that as well. Ricciardo three and a half behind.
That's Ricciardo coming through clear behind him.
So we're going to recharge off down to 10, aero P3 please, down to 10.
OK, perfect, thank you. Clear behind. Box now, practice pitstop. Box now, practice pitstop.
OK, no launch. Turn in.
I did run over some gravel from turn 12 from the McLaren just that you see now on TV. Ah yes, OK, understood. We're having a check over everything now anyway. Just for info, you stopped or got to the pitlane speed limiter 20 metres before the line that time, just as a reference point. Copy. OK mate, so we'll get you back in, plugged in, we'll get some comments.
Okay, so we've got Russell and Perez on the start-finish straight. Looks like they're both doing double cools, so I'll drop in to sing with them. No DRS on this outlap, please.
Okay, so car in front on slow laps now. Behind we have a completely clear track until Sainz leaves the pitlane.
So we've got a mixture of medium and soft runners out there now.
Roughly half and half.
Next car coming through that's pushing is Zhou. He's at turn 5 now on the soft tyre pushing. Five cars to go in front, including Norris, who's just in front of you.
OK, let's go brake 3 now, please. Brake 3 now. Three cars to go in front. Zhou, four seconds. Timed lap. So, reminder, recharge off at 14, please. And the lift there.
Watch for Zhou coming through. Just Norris to go in front.
No traffic behind.
No-one pushing behind.
OK, recharge on. Going into double cool. P7 with that time. Hamilton just in front of us with a 14.9. A tenth and a half up the road on the medium as well.
OK, so first question is balance. Do we need to do a flap adjust?
I don't think so, no. I think that was OK. There is a small amount of bouncing in turn 9. Just watch Hamilton three seconds behind you. OK, we'll have a look at that now. So just watch Hamilton coming through. Next car pushing behind I think will be Ricciardo, who's about eight seconds back now.
Yeah, the front end was better. Okay, that's good. Ricciardo, three and a half now, time lap.
Looks like most cars on these softer two compounds are considering double cools at the moment.
OK, so next car on a pushlap behind is Albon at about 10 seconds now.
So, Albon four seconds now, timed, and then he's got Piastri just behind him, another four seconds back, pushing as well. So, Piastri now three seconds, timed, and red flag, red flag. Okay, I think that might be debris. We are boxing now, Esteban, box now. Copy.
So, no overtaking at box now.
Commit stop on the marks and switch off.
I'm not sure this is going to be a long turnaround, so we're going to get ready to go out again. Yeah, there was a little bit of...
Through 2 as well, which could be tricky if we pick up the pace. I understood.
OK, 25 seconds.
And green light.
Berman in front, just going into a first timed, just having a look at what we can do for ramp structure.
Okay, mate, so what we can do is run to the end of the session and I think we can do a sequence of fast and double-cooled fast laps.
So it might be tight to get that last lap in just before the chequered flag but happy to give that a go. So I'll be running to the end of the session from now.
So we just need brake three. Four cars go in front, Sargeant's the car behind.
OK, just Verstappen to go. Recharge off at 14.
Alright, let's push.
OK, recharge on. So we're going to double cool from here.
Okay, so a few cars on outlaps behind. I think next car pushing will be Behrmann is about nine seconds behind now. Russell directly behind on an outlap. Pierre's first lap on the medium a 15.5, 15.5 and Behrmann pushing four seconds now.
Yeah, grip dropped massively that lap. Yeah, understood. Let's see what we get after a double cool, see if anything comes back.
Entry turn 4 became loose. Turn 9, washout understeer. Understood. OK, so next car pushing behind is Stroll. Five seconds.
Stroll 1.5 behind. He's pushing. Clear behind him. Cars on out or slow laps.
A group of cars keeping their pace up. I think they might be boxing, but they're not pushing. Sainz, Leclerc and Magnussen, no need to hold them up.
Okay, so going into a second cool lap now. Pierre now, the car behind.
Is he going into under fast or should I let him go down? No, he's going double cool apparently as well, so same run structure as you. We've just got to watch for Perez pushing behind. He's two cars back five and a half seconds. Just watch for him finishing his lap now.
There is two and a half.
OK, that's good, so second call-up please. We might need to watch for Zhou starting a timed as well. Correction, Zhou boxed. OK, so second call-up.
Okay, so we could try the open modifier at turn 9, just to help with some of the washout there. Watch for Ricciardo pushing behind now as well. Ricciardo timed lap coming through 1.5.
Okay, we just need a little bit braking to turn 10 as well. Braking reference, we can just push a couple of metres later there.
OK, Norris coming through on a time lap now. He's sustainable running at this point. I think we'll see a few sustainable runners from now.
How many laps do we have if I keep pushing out of that lap? So if you keep pushing, we will get three more push laps. Okay, I might do that. Yeah, I'm happy to stay out at this point, as long as we're learning something, that's all.
We could also consider the close modifier at 4 if that's still loose from now. So close at 4, open at 9 as options. Verstappen pushing behind now, 5 seconds.
Snap in three seconds and behind him Piastri could well be, in fact, likely high-fueled two seconds now. Piastri is sustainable. Okay, so let's go brake three, please. We have to let Albon through. He's sustainable running as well. We need to make a gap to him.
So, Alphonse Sustain will run the next car back. Hamilton and Russell, they could be high fuel, I think, as well. We can let them through and make a gap. So, Russell and Hamilton coming through now. Three seconds to Russell.
If we make a gap to them, let them go. We're alright for traffic once Russell comes past. Going to our push lap. We've got plenty of time. Let's make a gap. Three seconds. Sainz six seconds behind timed. Let's go now.
Yeah, what... Watch for Sainz finishing a timed...
OK, mate, so Sainz just finishing a time lap now. He's sustainable running by the looks of it, so we can back off. Let's go again next time.
Recharge on. Watch for Sainz. Sustainable, right? I keep pushing, I think.
If that's okay with you.
Yeah, understood mate. I'll let you know if it's not.
Yeah, copy. Let's go slow and think also. Copy.
Give me the fail for the DRS.
It's fail A-1-0 for DRS.
I have to keep pushing for now.
Okay, so I should get five more timed. I think five more timed.
Okay, so four more time from here.
Right, three more laps, three more.
The battery is completely at the bottom. Understood.
OK, so we can go SOC 8. We just need to avoid using overtake for a bit.
Last time-lap.
Okay, that is the chequered flag. Recharge on please, recharge on and cool the car, cool the car. There's a group of four cars just behind you, so just watch for them if they keep their pace up.
So, cooling the car on the way round to the grid. Got a few switch changes to make now.
So, first one is to go scenario three, please. Scenario three.
Then we have a fail B to do. It's fail B-5-F. Fail B-5-F. So it's about 16 presses on the right.
Copy. Should be done. Yeah, that's all good. Spawn. Thank you very much.
Esteban, this is a late call. If we can do an aero cruise after 9, that would be helpful. Aero P3. Make a bit of a gap and go recharge off to push down to 10 to help that. We'll only get a short period.
Perfect, thank you. Sorry for that late call. Okay, we're going to the grid to do a start. It will be on the left-hand side. I'll let you know burnouts in a moment.
Ok mate, so just two burnouts for us. Static bike point, learn, start on the left and we're pushing to pit entry. We'll do a practice pitstop as well. Copy.
How many burnouts? Just two, please, just two. Tyres are pretty warm at this stage.
Push to pit entry.
Box, box, practice pitstop.
Yeah, what's going on in the pitlane now? Fernando's holding everyone up, I think, so they can do a double stop.
OK mate, well done. OK, we'll get some comments when you're back in the garage and plugged in.