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Kevin Magnussen
Thank you for watching.
Just watching your mirrors. We've got Albon coming past on the outside of turn 1 now. Then Perez starting a time-lap three seconds behind. Two seconds Perez. One and a half seconds. One second coming through. Zhou, five seconds. Four seconds time-lap. Three seconds time-lap. Two seconds time-lap. One and a half seconds time-lap. One second time-lap. OK, next car's five seconds behind. It's Ocon. Four seconds time-lap. Three seconds Ocon time-lap.
2 seconds Ocon time lap.
1 second Ocon time lap coming past. Gap behind at the moment. It's 6 seconds to Sainz time lap. 5 seconds. 4 seconds.
Three seconds Sainz time lap. There's an eight second gap behind Sainz. He's two and a half seconds behind time lap.
Two seconds, one and a half second, one second coming past. Next car seven seconds behind time lap.
So, mode push. Just make a bit of a gap. Verstappen is four seconds behind. Three seconds. Good to go, good to go, good to go.
Charge on. Perez 5 seconds behind time lap. Perez boxed. No immediate threats.
Looking like a single cool-down lap at the moment. Careful, keep you posted. Yeah, definitely. Zhou, 10 seconds, time lap.
Zhou, 7 seconds. 6 seconds. 5 seconds. 4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second. Then Ocon, 5 seconds. 4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second. Coming past. Russell, 6 seconds.
Russell, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second, coming past. Then Sainz, 6 seconds, 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second, coming past. Then a gap.
So, compared to Tsunoda, he carried more speed through turn 2 apex. And we suggest that also compared to him, you could compromise turn 11. Nico's 6 seconds time lap. 5 seconds. 4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second. Coming past, no more threats. I was going to suggest compromising 11 for a better 12. So, next car on time lap is 10 seconds behind. You're in a good place. Going for the next lap. Mode push. Good to go.
Zhou, three seconds time lap.
Still three seconds, Zhou. Two seconds. One second. Then Ocon. Four seconds. Three seconds. Two seconds. One second coming through. Then Gasly is in sync, so no immediate threats. Turn 2. Clearly much better that time, Kev. Obviously had traffic in 9, which hurt you. Hamilton time lap 5 seconds. Three seconds Hamilton time lap. Two seconds. One second coming through. Next one is Russell. He's currently six seconds behind.
Four seconds, Russell. Three seconds. Two seconds. One second coming past. Gasly on a slow lap right behind you. Bottas on what looks like an in-lap behind you now. So Bottas not on a timed lap.
Alonso, four seconds time lap, three seconds, two seconds, one second, coming past. Then Perez, four seconds time lap, three seconds, two seconds, one second, coming past. I've got Sainz on an outlap, oh, Sainz on an outlap and then Tsunoda on a time lap, two seconds.
One second Tsunoda time-lap.
Coming past, then Albon's about eight seconds behind time lap.
So, mode push, make a gap to Tsunoda.
Okay, you are good to go.
No threats behind. Charge on. Happy to do another push lap if you are.
For reference, you're currently P15 on 13.3 on the hard, Nico 13.3 on the medium. Fastest hard runner is Albon at 12.5.
No threats behind.
Braking for 1 and turn 11. You can push a bit harder now, we suggest compared to Tsunoda. Tsunoda's done 12.6 on the hard. Alonso is 8 seconds behind time-lap. That's 6 seconds now time-lap. 5 seconds Alonso time-lap. 4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second coming past. No immediate threats. Tsunoda 7 seconds time-lap. 6 seconds. 5 seconds. 4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second coming past. Piastri 7 seconds time-lap. 5 seconds Piastri time-lap. 4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second coming past. That's Ricciardo on a slow lap right behind you, so he's not a problem. In fact we have no other threats at the moment. Next one is Stroll and he's 20 seconds behind you, so all other cars are on slow laps behind you.
And we're being suggested to focus on turn 13 exit rather than entry. Okay, mode push, you are good to go.
Mode in. Box is lap. No threats behind.
Ricciardo, time lap seconds behind. Nope, he's just done a time lap.
So, Ricciardo behind on a slow lap. Alonso, time lap, he's 20 seconds behind. If we could have a CSL6 turn 10 to a turn 11, that would be great.
Still no threats behind.
OK, go for confirming. Boxing this lap. Still no throttle spin.
Stopping on the marks and P1, please.
Stop in position with good care.
I'll kick F.
Plus for the outlap.
Piastri starting a time-lapse, 6 seconds behind. 5 seconds. Sorry, still 6 seconds. Correction, Piastri now 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second coming past. No other threats. Perez is 6-7 seconds behind time-lapse. Perez is in sync, so no immediate threats. That's Gasly on an outlap right behind you. Okay, he's just come through. Perez on a slow lap is 6 seconds behind. So in sync with all the cars behind at the moment.
For reference, Albon found 1.1 seconds going from hard to soft. That is a bit more than we expected.
So it's Alonso on an outlap five and a half seconds behind. Still no time-lap car threats. Brake temp if possible, Kev. Brake temp, please. So mode push. You're good to go.
Piastri, three seconds behind time lap. No, he's backed off. He's not doing a time lap. So it's Bottas, four seconds time lap, three seconds time lap, two seconds time lap, one second time lap coming past.
Norris is five seconds behind time-lap. Three seconds time-lap, two seconds time-lap, one second coming past. Then Leclerc, five seconds time-lap, four seconds, three seconds, two seconds, one second coming past. No other threats at the moment.
For reference, you're currently P7.11.4.
And we'd suggest EB7 to reduce mid-corner understeer if the rear will take it, Kev. So Tsunoda slow lap right behind you, Zhou on an outlap just behind him. Obviously we're going for a double cooldown, Kev. Double cooldown. So Zhou outlap is just coming up to you and past. Still no time-lap car threats behind.
Still no time lap car threats behind. We think Tsunoda will also do double cooldown, but just be careful. I'll let you know if he drops back.
Ocon is just behind Tsunoda, was going more quickly, but he's backed off now. So brake, yeah, we're going into another cool-down lap, just reminded myself. Sergeant time lap, four seconds behind. Three seconds.
Two seconds, Sargeant. Time lap. One second, he's through. OK.
Still going in for a double cooldown. Tsunoda is also double cooldown.
I'll keep you informed if any of the others look like they're going. I don't think so. They've all stayed bunched up. Perez on a time lap is three seconds behind. Two seconds. One second.
Perez hit a load of traffic and had to back out a bit. OK, he's boxed actually, so it was just an in-lap. Still no threats behind.
Multi AQR position 6, please, Kev. That's multi AQR position 6. Still no threats behind.
Suggestion is that for turn 7 you could lift a little bit earlier and carry more apex speed through the corner. Not sure who that's referenced to. Stand by. That's to Albon and Tsunoda.
Still no timed car, time-lap cars behind you.
Albon is behind you on the first cool-down lap. He looks like he's boxing, actually closing fast on you. He's right behind you. We've got Bottas on a time lap four seconds behind. Three seconds, two seconds, one second coming through.
No other threats now. Albon does look like he might be on an in-lap, I'm not sure. Leclerc is 10 seconds behind him on a slow lap.
Okay, Albon's backed off, so I guess he's going to do a timed lap.
Albon now six seconds behind on a slow lap. Still no time lap car threats behind you.
Plenty of time to make a gap to the cars ahead.
Good to go, good to go.
OK, camp mode in. Box this lap. No threats behind.
Nice improvement sector 1, but sector 2 and 3, I guess the tyres are getting a bit old.
Still no threats behind. If we could have a CSL6 after turn 10, that would be great. Ocon's two seconds in front on a slow lap.
So, CSL 6 reminder.
Confirming boxing this lap. No threats behind.
But whoops!
At 100 lot there, Kevin.
That looked like a pretty good run back there. Still P8.
I'll just confirm we will run the C3 on hill. Tyres are going to stay on the hill, so happy for comments when you're ready.
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B-Bal offset plus one.
So, we've got Sargeant about 5 seconds behind, so no problems. So, pushing immediately and no DRS, please. Gentle introduction to remember, that's dropping about 3 tenths in total through turns 7 and 8 for two laps.
Should be able to do 15 timed laps.
Maybe pushing a little bit too hard in turn 7.
Okay, Kev, happy to push to a normal level through 7 and 8 from this point onwards. There's a six second gap behind you for reference.
For reference, same tyres doing 16.8 after four laps.
OK, can we have multi-function Bravo 9 position 12 when possible?
Just for reference to Stroll, suggest you could be able to carry a bit more apex speed through turn 9 and suggest going to EB8 to reduce understeer if the rear will take it.
Sorry, it was turn 13, the apex speed. Apologies, Kev. Turn 13.
Reference strolls lapping around 16.6, 16.7.
Yep, 13 was better that lap here, so good job. We've got seven more laps at the end of this one.
Suggestion is to go another step on E-B if there is, I'll take it. The other possibility is to use funk through turn 7.
Specifically, front 2 is the suggestion for turn 7.
On lap time we're about two tenths off Alonso and about four tenths off Ricciardo, just for reference, but quicker than Ocon.
Five more time laps, that's five more time laps.
OK, we'd like to push hard the next three time laps just to see how the tyres go. I am. OK, copy.
Please use DRS the last two time laps.
Okay, Albon's coming past.
Starting the last time lap.
OK, Kev, that's the chequered flag, so mode slow please, mode slow, coming round to do a start on the grid.
Kevin, if you could press the oil pump up, please. Press the oil pump up.
OK, Kev, we'd like to do the start from the right-hand side this time.
So, two burnouts and then mode RS. Mode RS start. Pushing to turn 8.
Starting from the right-hand side, as agreed.
Don't push, please, don't push.
Sorry, correction. Mode in, please. Sorry, Kevin. Mode in.
So, practice your pitstop entry, pitlane entry, stopping on the marks, the guys will do a tyre change, and then P1 please.