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Jack Doohan
Okay, so we'll be going straight out. Reminder, we only need up to fifth gear with this limiter in place. Copy.
Okay, so you'll be clear at pit exit.
Ok mate, we're holding that all the way down to turn 6. Gap behind 4 seconds to Hadjar and then Hulkenberg and Lawson close with him.
Copy. Hulkenberg the car behind now. Five seconds.
OK mate, so we can go to aero P3. So we'll go up to 6th gear in this one, down to turn 9. Hulkenberg is 2 behind. Stay offline.
That's perfect. Hulkenberg just behind you now, then three seconds behind to Lawson. So we go back to aero P1 and we're going to box at the end of this lap for a front wing change, okay? So box at the end of this lap for a front wing change.
And Box now please. Jack Box now will be stopping on the box. Nice and steady on the way.
Nice and steady into the box.
Once this front wing change is done, it'll just be a gradual normal pull away.
OK, you should be clear at pit exit when you get there.
OK, Jack, you'll be clear at pit exit. We've got Bottas just going into turn 1 about 6 behind. He's just finished a time lap. So we just need to sink 7th and 8th gear if we can.
No traffic behind. Next car pushing is Perez. He's about 10 seconds back.
So Perez is the car behind now. Five seconds. He's on a time lap.
Gap behind 3 seconds.
2. No cars pushing behind him.
A couple of cars in front. One car in front now. He's Magnussen. He's on a slow lap. He'll be pushing next time. If you want to go past him, that's fine. There's a big gap.
Okay, mate, I'm on a clear track ahead. So we just need to recharge off at the last corner. We're good to go. We're going into a fast-slow-fast style pattern. I might give you the option to push for a second lap in a row. I'll let you know based on tyre temps.
Okay, I'm happy to recharge on that.
OK, so car behind Magnussen. He's just finished a time lap as well. He's in sync with you. So I have to go for a steady cool up at this point. Looking for around two minutes.
So what we'll try and do, Jack, is go steady the first part of the lap, and then we'll just try and push the last couple of corners just to prep the surface ready for the following lap. No traffic behind.
Okay, we're in a good gap on track at the moment. No traffic behind.
Only two cars to start laps in front as well. A couple of people out there look like they might be doing double calls. I hope we're going to stick with six.
Okay, so we'll push 15 and 16, recharge off.
OK, I'll recharge off. A couple of cars just approached the pit exit now. I've got Drogobych first. He should come out just in front of you.
Here at COWA, McLaren is the car behind now, just in the pits also.
So we're going to go nice and steady on this lap. Jack, help bring those tyre temps down.
All cars behind on outlaps here.
So nice and steady. We were looking for about 10 seconds or so slower than the last slow lap that you did.
So we've got Hirakawa behind on an outlap and then Pierre, another one and a half behind him on an outlap as well. Next car pushing is Colapinto. He's about six seconds behind on a timed.
Colapinto, three behind now. Time lap. Bigger gap behind him.
Just very important you have your radio latched as well.
OK, that's good. So nice and steady for the next part of the lap. Next car pushing behind is Hadjar. He is on a timed five seconds behind. There's a bigger gap behind him so he can come through.
Agile one second behind, coming through, then a big gap. So it is nice and steady. Round to turn 14 now. A few cars to go in front. Just for info on timing as well, we've got Hamilton on a 27.4 in front, Lawson just behind us at the table, 27.7.
Let's go for another lap and see what we've got for balance.
Okay, so push the last two corners, recharge off, good to go.
OK, recharge on. Nice and steady again for this slow lap.
OK, so we've got Russell. He's just leaving the pitlane now. He'll come out behind you. Next car pushing will be Colapinto. I think he's about 12 behind. So how's the balance feel initially?
I'm a little bit on the under-rotation side, mid-corner, and then starting with the rear a little bit on edge of the traction. Maintain low and keep them sweet corners. Copy. Okay, Colapinto pushing three behind.
Okay, we're going to go nice and steady on this lap again, help bring the tyre temps down. We'll probably give you a couple of switch changes just to try for the next lap as well, see if we can help that understeer.
Hulkenberg three seconds behind. He's keeping his pace up. He's not on a push lap at the moment. And then clear behind him.
And that next car pushing, Norris, seven seconds. He's now the car behind once Russell's passed. So Norris three, timed lap.
How do the entries feel, Gemre? All stable there? Yeah, entries feel stable. OK. We've got Iwasa pushing behind now. Three seconds and then a big gap behind him.
So I think we'll go down to diff mid 3, Jack, before the next lap.
Okay, we're clear of traffic behind. Perez in front should be pushing next time. Recharge off and more bollard.
OK, recharge on.
Understood, OK. We've got a car behind Zhou. Five seconds. He's just finished a time-lap. So he shouldn't be pushing. No traffic at the moment.
Copy. So we're clear of traffic. We're going to go for a steady slow lap this time. We think probably double cools are best at this stage but due to time restrictions we're just going to stay to singles and again you can go nice and steady on the way round. Copy.
OK, so the next car pushing is Pierre. He's about 10 seconds behind. There's a big gap behind him.
So, Pierre, six seconds now, time lap.
Pierre, four seconds. Tight.
One second and then clear behind it. Okay, very good. So nice and steady all the way around to 14 now. Shouldn't get any more traffic at this stage.
Are we going for another lap? We're going to go for one more lap, yeah, I think.
If you'd like we can do another step on the diff for the next lap if we start some mid-corner understeer. Go down to diff mid 2 or we could even try opening the entry if they're still stable as well.
Okay, so you're clear of traffic behind. Good spot here.
Decent drive through 15.60. Recharge off and this will be the last time lap of the run.
Recharge on. Ok mate, so we're going to go straight into some aero cruises here.
So on aero, go to aero P4 to begin with. I'm just going to hold that down to turn 5. You'll clear a traffic behind.
Okay, that's perfect. Next we're going to go aero P5. So that's 150 kph. I'm going to hold that for about five seconds down to turn six.
OK, that's perfect, thank you. And then finally, aero P3. Turn 7, round to turn 9.
Copy, do I have cars behind? No, you're clear of traffic behind.
Okay. And aero P1. And we are boxing now. So we're going to do a practice pitstop jack, so...
You can attack the pit box. Once you're there, you can find pre-start revs, exactly as we talked before. Okay, so we're boxing now. We're going to do a practice pit stop. You'll find pre-start revs, then switch off.
OK, so practice pitstop, find pre-start revs and switch off. No launch. No launch.
Yeah, that's perfect. And to P1.
Very good, OK. We will get some initial comments when you're plugged in back in the garage. Stand by.
KJX will be going straight out. Might have a couple of cars at pit exit. I'll let you know on that one.
OK, so we've got Drogovic at turn 1 now. And you're clear behind him. OK, so we're going to target a reference speed of 200 kph from 5 to 6. You can do that offline. We've got Zhou on a time lap behind 3 seconds. Watch for him, please. Copy.
And you are clear of traffic behind.
Okay, so 200 kph down to 6 please. Cars behind are on outlaps. We've got Colapinto and Iwasa.
Okay mate, and 200 kph down to nine as well please. So same reference from there. No traffic behind, no cars pushing.
Got everything looking good here.
Ok, so the next car pushing behind is Hulkenberg. He's at turn 6 now. So about 15 behind. Plenty of space. Only two cars to go in front. Copy. Ok mate, so from turn 12 we're going to start to push to prep the surface. Hamilton and Colapinto to go in front.
Ok, got a good gap here.
It's Hamilton to go ahead.
So let's make that gap. It's only three seconds at the moment.
4. Recharge off. Good to go.
OK, so recharge on and we're going to double cool. Recharge on and double cool. Nice and steady on the way round. It should be clear of traffic behind. Iwasa, five seconds has just finished a time lap.
Gap is so clear of traffic.
Okay, mate. So, clear of traffic behind. How was the balance on that first lap? I still feel like I'm just very front limited. Didn't just feel like it really turned the tyre on. But yeah, I just feel like I'm having to over-slow everywhere. Okay, understood.
Okay, so how did the front feel going into turn 1? Again, I guess it didn't feel ready with understeer there. Yeah, it didn't feel amazing, but I was also struggling with the front under 12 and 13. Okay, understood. Let's see where we are on the second lap. A bit of rear aging there, might bring the balance a little bit back together anyway. We're just going to have a chat about some switch changes, let you know if I want you to do anything different, alright? So we're going into a second call-up after this one. Iwasa behind could be pushing next time for info. He's just doing single calls on the medium I think at the moment.
Copy that. And then the next car pushing behind is Drogovic. He's six seconds back. He's sustainable running by the looks of it. So we can let him past. He's four behind now.
And this pace is good for a second cool-up.
Clear of traffic behind.
Okay, so our recommendation on switches would be to use that close modifier for 13 and 14 in particular. You can pull it before turn 12 if you want, it won't have an effect there. We've got Hirakawa on a sustainable run behind you for seven seconds.
So, Hirakawa on a slow lap behind four seconds. So, no traffic behind at the moment.
Okay, Jack, we'd like to try brake shape 2 as well, just see if we can promote a bit more rotation with that, so brake shape 2.
So at the moment you've got a completely clear track ahead, no cars pushing behind. So we're going to prep the surface from turn 12, so we'll be pushing from there and recharge off at 16.
OK, so start to push from now. No cars in front.
Okay, recharge on. We're going to do that same sequence of aero cruises coming at the end of this lap. So aero P4, please, down to turn 5. You are clear of traffic at the moment.
So here are our three seconds behind. You should be on a slow lap. Just keep your eye on your mirrors. And we're going to go for aero P5, which is 150 kph for five seconds or so, down to turn six.
You're a car one second behind on a slow lap.
That's perfect. You can now go up to aero P3. We've got Norris six seconds behind. He's on a push lap. Few cars coming through on high fuel now, so fuel to come past you. Norris two seconds.
Next car, Perez, three seconds.
So Perez coming through and then behind him got Bottas on an outlap. They're going to be keeping their pace up.
OK, so we are boxing now. Jack, watch for Bottas behind on an outlap. He's likely to be high fuel. So he'll be pushing. Got a decent gap behind him.
OK, Jack, so we've got Russell 4 behind on a timed lap. We are boxing now and we'll be stopping under the gantry. Copy. Russell 2.5 behind timed lap. Box, box.
Okay, so we'll be stopping in front of the gantry, kind of in front of the garage, please. Just nice and steady on that approach, please. So you'll be looking for right in the mechanics. Alright, nice and steady.
OK, perfect. Thank you for that.
Okay, Jack, so we'll get some comments when you're plugged in. It's going to be a short time around.
Straight out.
B-Bal offset plus one hundred.
OK, so we've got Drogovic at turn 1. He should be on a slow lap this time, I think. So you'll see him at pit exit. Should be on a slow. We've got Norris pushing sustainable pit exit as well, so watch for him. He can come through. And then Perez, 5 behind sustainable running as well. Copy. We can push from here. OK, can we go scenario 3, please? Scenario 3. And we're pushing from there.
B-Bal offset plus one hundred.
Ok, so we've got Perez 2 behind, he's pushing as well. If he does come past, there's a 9 second gap behind him.
Okay, so we'll get three more laps from now.
At SOC 6, please, Jack. SOC 6.
Two more laps. Two more.
OK, Jack, have a quick check of the pit board on the way past this time, please. Copy.
And last time lap.
That's the chequered flag. Recharge off.
Okay, very good. So we're now going around to the grid to do a start. So just nice and steady on the way around, we can cool the car.
Copy. Some cars might keep their pace up on the way round, just watch in your mirrors. I've got Perez just going past you now.
Oh, it's behind there. I'm going slowly now.
Okay mate, so how was the balance with that bit of extra flapping?
Still very young on the understeer side of things, especially through mid-corner, mid and medium and high speed corners. Copy, just watch for Bottas keeping his pace up behind you. He's two seconds back. Same with Russell as well.
Okay mate, understood. So we're going to the grid now, so staying out, going to the grid. I'll let you know what we're doing, procedures shortly.
Okay, so we've got Arthur Leclerc 2 behind, again keeping his pace up. Good. So, Jack, what we'd like to do is a rolling by point 5, 15 to 16. So you're going to stay off the line for that one. Are you happy with that procedure? Okay, very good. So rolling by point 5, 15 to 16, and then we're going to do four burnouts. Alright.
Star will be on the left when we get there.
QNH perfect. Select four burnouts for minus. Use the burnout button for those. I'm going to line up on the left-hand side. I can't get them all in, don't worry.
Reminder to pull as far forward as you can. We're doing a start and then pushing all the way to pit entry with a practice pitstop.
OK, Jack, so box, box, practice, pitstop.
Box, box.
OK, so practice pitstop. Stop on the marks. Find pre-start revs. No launch. No launch.
Okay, they're going to push you through the box now, Jack. They're going to push you through. If you can go to P1, please. And Pierre's going to do a pitstop behind you. I'll be back with you shortly.
OK, let's just move the cars around, get you back in, plugged in, and then we can get some comments.