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Jack Doohan
OK, and just a quick radio check as well. Radio check. Yep, loud and clear, perfect, OK.
Okay, so what would be helpful is if we just make a little bit of a gap to the car in front.
Looks like there's some waiting around there already. And a reminder, only up to 5th gear please until turn 6. Copy.
OK, that's a nice gap in front there.
OK, that's perfect. So we're going to go to aero P3. Aero P3 at turns 6 and 7.
Jake Dennis just behind you and then Sainz behind him. So we can go up to 6th gear, narrow P3, and we'll be boxing at the end of this lap.
OK, Jax, so we are boxing at the end of this lap, please, and we'll be stopping on the marks and switching off.
Turn 15 and boxing. That's perfect, thank you.
We'll be stopping on the marks, waiting for a couple of seconds and then going to P1 please.
Okay, very good. So, once the car's back in the garage and plugged in, we'll just get a couple of comments from you.
OK mate, sorry, just a few seconds and we'll get some comments.
Okay, so we'll be going straight out.
Clear pit exit at the moment. Just looking at Russell, he's boxed actually, so we've got a good gap here, 15 seconds in front. Next car behind is Sargeant on an outlap, five seconds back.
Okay, so just a reminder, we need to learn 7th and 8th gear, please.
11 second gap in front to Sainz on an outlap. 10 seconds behind. Copy.
Ok, so all gears learnt, we just need recharge off at the last corner and then three consecutive laps please.
That's massive, US.
Okay, understood. Consider using that open modifier where needed. Pierre in front, out lap.
OK, two more laps. Keep building.
And one more lap, please, Jack. One more lap.
OK, Jack, so recharge on, recharge on.
So you're clear of traffic behind. We'd like to do an aero cruise after turn 5. Aero P4, 5th gear.
We do have Piastri coming through about six seconds behind on a time lap. Just watch for him.
Piastri coming through now.
Clear behind Piastri. Aero P4, 5th gear down to turn 6 and then we'll be boxing for a flap adjust.
OK, Jack, so we are boxing now for a flap adjust. So you're going to come in, stop on the marks. We're going up in aerobalance, so we'll be adding a lot more front end, and then you're going back out to do one lap.
Copy. We're going to repeat that aero cruise after turn 5 again. You're clear of traffic behind.
Okay, Jack, so box now, stop on the marks, do a flap adjust and then it'll be a normal pull away, please.
Okay, Jack, I'll let you know. Traffic shortly at pit exit should be fairly clear of cars on time-lapse. So we're going to repeat the aero cruise after turn 5, the aero P4 fifth gear.
We've just got Pierre exiting turn 1 now. He's just finished a time-lap. Watch for Pierre pit exit just behind you.
Okay, so Pierre behind is on an in-lap now. Can we have aero P4 5th gear after turn 5? We have poor Chair about four seconds behind on a timed lap.
Two seconds behind. Can we have recharge off, please? Recharge off.
Okay, perfect. After turn 7, we'd like you to push to turn 9 with DRS, please. So after turn 7, push to turn 9 with DRS.
OK, Greg, so we are boxing now. We are boxing now for a nose change, so a slightly longer stop this time. Copy.
Okay, Jack, so nice and steady on the way in, clear of traffic behind. We're going to box now, stop on the marks, and we're going to change the front wing.
Can we do any greater gap to Pierre? No, that's fine. Pierre's going to drive straight through. Pierre's going to drive straight through, so he'll be coming in, stopping on the marks for a nose change.
OK mate, so on the signal just be a normal pull away once again please. Copy. Your radio has a lot of, it's not closed off so I hear everything else going on, just to let you know. OK, understood.
Okay, Jack, so I'll let you know traffic pit exit, and we're going into three timed laps at the end of this outlap. Should be clear pit exit. All right, every cruiser's on the outlap.
No aero cruisers on the outlap, mate, so just a normal outlap at this stage. Tyre temps are pretty good.
You've got no traffic behind.
Okay, so we're going to stay recharge on until the end of the lap. And can we unlatch the open modifier, which is open at the moment. There's a big gap in front of Stroll.
OK, Jack, so we recharge off at 16 and three push laps, please. Three push laps in a row. Copy.
Cars coming past you now, starting laps. Watch for two cars, Drogovic and Stroll.
Oh my god, man!
So am I, don't worry.
Sargeant should have known better there. OK, mate, so we're going to turn this into a cool lap and then we'll go for one more push. That time was looking very good though, so nice work. Gasly's fastest time at the moment is a 27.7, so he'd have been close to that. We've got Schwarzmann about six seconds behind. We don't need any aero cruisers or anything this lap. We're just going to prep for one more push after this. Copy. OK, so Schwarzmann three seconds behind on a time lap. Can you go to scenario 8, please? Scenario 8. We'll go for a little more performance on the next lap. Copy.
We can make the rest of this lap fairly steady. Tyre temperatures are quite high, so we can drop those down.
And we are clear of traffic behind.
Okay, so we've got a nine second gap in front. We've got a nice spot here. Next car coming through will be Magnussen. He's 12 seconds behind.
Our only other suggestion is a white modifier for turn 6. White modifier for turn 6. Gap behind 8 seconds and a 15 second gap in front. We're going to recharge off at the last corner and one more push lap, please. Gap behind 7.
OK. Recharge off and push.
Hulkenberg, can you keep pushing, please, this lap? We need it for datum, so recharge stays off and finish the lap, please.
OK, jack down and recharge on. Watch for Drogovic starting a time-lap now. But they're not. I don't know what everyone's doing out here, man. It's like, even Schurzmann, I let him pass the lap before and then on the way down to turn 6 they're just not getting out of the way. It's just strange. OK, mate. Understood. OK, so we can create a bit of a gap to Drogovic or go past him. We'd like an aero cruise after turn 5 again. You're clear for traffic behind at the moment. Aero P4, 5th gear. That's the one, please, mate, yeah. Aero P4, 5th gear, down to 6. Then we're going to box for a flap adjust. Would you like recharge off? Recharge on is fine.
OK, Jack, so we are going to box now for a flap adjust and do one more lap out and back in again. So box now, flap adjust, going up in aero balance. We'll do the same aero cruise after turn 5 and then we'll come in. Copy.
OK, we do have Schwarzmann coming through on a time lap. About four seconds behind. Just watch for him on the way round, please.
Okay, and box now for a flap adjust. Copy.
Pitlane. OK, so stop on the marks. We'll do a flap adjust and then a normal pull away once again, please. This is the last one.
I couldn't see any light there. I don't know if I was too far forward or what. OK, understood. We'll check that on our side. It's all good though. So we're going to do an aero cruise after turn 5 once again. Might be a few cars on the pit exit here, I'll let you know.
OK, five seconds gap behind.
Okay, so plenty of space. We're going to go aero P4, 5th gear, down to turn 6. And then we're going to do the same as we did before, pushing turn 7 to 9 with DRS. And you can go recharge off now as well. Copy.
OK, that's perfect, so we can cancel that Aero Cruise, recharge off, push 7-9 with DRS.
Recharge is on currently.
Very good. And box now, please. Box now. Copy. So this time we'll be stopping on the marks and switching off.
All those procedures were spot on, so thank you for that.
No worries, I'm just getting confused because the DRS sticker's obviously still the DRS sticker, so it's just like mentally a bit of a block, you know. Just takes me a second. Yeah, that's alright mate, let's stop now, please. Box now.
Okay, mate, so this is going to be a practice pit stop. You need to stop on the marks and switch off. We're not going back out.
And P1 please, P1.
OK mate, so once again, we'll get some comments when you're plugged in. Copy.
For this soft round, can I please have my Delfi removed?
Just going to wait for the car to be plugged in.
OK, so we've got Ricciardo, the car in front, he's just leaving the pitlane now. Clear at pit exit. And then Vesti leaving the pitlane behind you as well. Copy.
What are the cars in front of me doing? So, Ricciardo should be pushing next time. And then Poitier in front of him has just done fast double cool fast. So, he'll be on a second cool lap next time. So, he'll probably go past him if he doesn't box.
There's only nine cars out on track at the moment.
So, seven seconds in front to Porsche.
Okay, mate, so about four seconds behind we have Vesti. He's on high fuel. If he comes past us, we're going to need to make a gap to him. He's about three seconds behind now.
Thirsty two seconds. He is on a time lap high fuel.
I think we can probably go from here. Recharge off.
Recharge on.
OK mate, so we're going into double cool at this stage, double cool.
Got O'Ward just leaving the pitlane now on an outlap. He's going to come out a couple of seconds behind you. And we will need to watch for Vesti on high fuel coming through about three seconds behind. A few cars will come past this time. Watch for Vesti now, two seconds back.
Okay, we've got Pierre. Timed lap three seconds behind.
Okay, mate, so we can afford to slow these cool laps down a little. Get an extra 10 seconds on those. So looking for around 2 minutes 15, 2 minutes 20 as a lap time target. Clear of traffic behind at the moment. Again, we're going double cool here. That's P9 with that lap time so far. Good job.
I was 5th gear in turn 9. Not a good idea. Stand by on that one. Get you some feedback shortly. So again, let's slow that down please. Pace is a little high at the moment. OK, sorry.
Just watch for cars starting time-lapse behind you, please. We've got Stroll five seconds back.
So this lap can be nice and steady. Watch for Stroll. Four seconds now.
Stroll three and a half seconds again. Go very steady the rest of this lap. I think there's an issue because I had Sargeant and Russell already go past me. I don't see any Stroll. Stroll's three seconds behind at the moment, according to my GPS. Just keep your eye on your mirrors for me, please.
Okay, so you've got Piastri coming past now.
Yep, copy. Apologies, that's my mistake. OK, so next car back is Tsunoda. Five seconds. Copy.
Okay, so Tsunoda coming past now, then a big gap behind. Apologies again on traffic. Okay, so we are going to do a similar time on this cool lap.
Copy. Did Pierre manage to extract anything on his second lap? So Pierre did a 26.7 on his first lap and then a 26.9 on the second. That was after a double call.
OK, so we've got a 10 second gap behind. There's a few cars behind on high fuel. We can up the pace slightly towards the end of this lap. It's going to be quite busy with cars coming past. We've got a 17 second gap in front as well. We'll just keep the pace up a little bit more towards the end of this lap. That will help with time and position. Would you prefer me to slow up now and let them pass? I think the next two cars behind will let pass, then there's a gap behind them. So 1.5 seconds to the first car and then Vesti 2.5 seconds behind. We can let them through. Copy, and what is their pace? They're high fuel running, so we want to make a gap to them. Then we've got 8 seconds to Pierre. We want to stay in front of him.
Copy. Okay, so six seconds behind. Don't want to hold Pierre up, but we can make a gap to Vesti in front. Gap behind four seconds. We're going recharge off and pushing next lap.
OK, recharge on. Yeah, that's good. So, we've just got Pierre four seconds behind time lap. He's on high fuel. So, we're looking for two laps around the two minutes lap time. So, these ones are going to be a bit quicker. I've got a Ward three seconds behind as well. Copy. OK, and next car back. Schwarzmann, five and a half seconds. He's just finished a time lap.
Okay, so lap times will be roughly 20 seconds quicker than the last two cool laps. We're going to push ourselves to the flag as much as we can, so keep your pace up on this first one, please, and we'll slow the second down as best we can. So we will have Russell coming through high fuel. He's about four seconds behind.
Russell coming past now and then there's Sargeant about six seconds behind him.
Okay, so watch for Sargeant coming through. High fuel. Okay, we'll keep our pace a little bit on the higher side at the end of this lap and then we'll slow the second lap down as much as we can.
Next car coming through will be Ricciardo. Five seconds high fuel. Correction, actually, Ricciardo, slow lap, he's probably boxing here. So, no other traffic at the moment.
OK, Jack, so the flag is going to come out in 2 minutes 20 seconds, so we need a little bit of a faster slow lap time. This time, please, similar to the last lap. Means we'll have about 10 seconds margin left at the end. Copy.
Just watch for Swartzman and Piastri behind. Unsure what they're doing at the moment.
They're about three seconds back, both next to each other.
Piastri one and a half behind now. Then five seconds behind Sainz who's on a timed lap. Low fuel. Sainz four seconds.
Sainz one second and then a five second gap behind him.
Williams car on high fuel.
And then Magnussen, another couple of seconds behind him. There'll be probably three cars that come past us between now and the end of the lap. Checkered flag comes out at 1 minute 5 seconds. We should be OK if we keep our pace similar to the last lap at this point. Watch for Magnussen and then a four-second gap behind him to Tsunoda. Tsunoda high fuel as well. And after Tsunoda? After Tsunoda's a big gap, 11 seconds, so Tsunoda can come through. Checkered flag in 45 seconds. We're good for time.
Ok, so we can make a gap to Tsunoda. Next car coming through is Stroll on a low fuel lap at about 5 seconds. So watch for Stroll, now 3 seconds behind. I'll go recharge off and push.
Last time.
Recharge on, that's the chequered flag. We have a double yellow turn 2. Double yellow turn 2. Copy.
OK, so clear from traffic behind. Double yellow where you are. And it clears at 3. We're going to do an aero cruise after turn 5, please. Aero cruise after turn 5. Aero P4 fifth gear once again.
And VSC, VSC. So at this point, no overtaking, no overtaking. We're going to go from here to the grid and do a start. We expect the VSC to clear in about 20 seconds.
Tower, go to 3, please. Tower, go to 3.
Okay, so we're going to the grip. We can cool the tyres down as best we can on the way there.
How many burnouts would you like? So we're going to do two burnouts and a start on the left. What we'd like you to do is push to pit entry, assuming the VSC clears. Currently that double yellow is still out of two. So we can slow the end of this lap down.
OK, but that in-lap after the start, you want me to push through at the entry, copy? Exactly right, yeah, exactly right. That's assuming the VSC is cleared. Copy.
If the VSC hasn't cleared, we'll just go recharge on at 1 and then a normal in-lap. It looks like it might not at the moment. So we'll have two burnouts. We need recharge on for those burnouts, please. And we're starting on the left-hand side.
OK, recharge off then for the start. As far forward as you can on the left. And we'll have recharge on at turn 1 after the start, please.
OK, so double yellow, turn 2. Double yellow, turn 2. No overtaking. Reminder for the rest of this lap, please. Copy. No overtaking.
Got Sainz three seconds behind and we're going to the box now.
Any other procedures you'd like on the in-lap or all good? No, we're happy for now, please. Okay, so the VSC is ending, so cars will be able to come past you.
If you like, can you still keep recharge on? Yeah, keep recharge on, please, at this point, mate. Yeah. Recharge on and boxing. Track is now clear.
Okay, so box in this lap. I'll be back with you shortly.
We're going to box now. If possible, I'd like to do a couple of burnouts in the pitlane, please. So once you're past the pit entry line, at the pit limiter speed, I'd like to do two burnouts before you come to a stop. We won't do a practice pitstop. Copy.
OK, so nice and steady. Two burnouts before you come to a stop.
Alright, we'll get a couple of comments from you when you're plugged in, if that's okay. We'll just wait for the radio to go off there before we get buzzed.
Ready to check.
Yep. Lower clear.
Yeah, all good. Setting brake tyres now for 57.
You could even go 56 and then we go 57 for when we're in the pitlane here. Copy.
So wind has definitely picked up, but in a similar direction to speed.