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Esteban Ocon
Okay, so you should be clear pit exit. We've got Hamilton on a slow lap. I believe he's going for double cool, so shouldn't meet us this time. Cars in front are Zhou and then Sargeant. Gap in front four seconds. 17 second gap behind Hamilton on a cool lap.
Hamilton's first time on the soft tyre 26.6 for reference.
OK, so 25 seconds behind is Hulkenberg. Now he's on a timed lap.
Gap behind 19 seconds now. Four cars to go in front. Gap seven seconds to Sargent.
Okay, so two cars to go now. Gap 13 seconds to Hulkenberg.
Gap in front, still seven seconds. Two cars to go. Let's go to tyre on the multi. Okay, we're there. Gap behind is nine seconds. Gap in front, six.
OK, recharge on and let's box now. Recharge on and box now.
So, car behind is Sainz. He will be pushing this time, I believe, 12 seconds back.
So, how was the balance, please?
Better than yesterday, less front giving up. Especially in the two behind the hotel. Okay, that's good. Watch for Sainz, four seconds behind. No cars behind him. So Pierre's first lap was a 26.3 for info, 26.3. So we'll have a compare of that when you're back in the garage. We're in a box now. Have a think about flap angle for the next lap. Copy.
I'm still struggling a little bit on the brakes with some strange movement in 6, in 5 a little bit.
Okay, understood. We'll have a look at that and see if we can come up with something for the next lap. We do have Stroll about 12 seconds behind on a timed lap. Again, he's the only car at the moment.
Stroll at six seconds now.
OK, Stroll three seconds. No traffic behind Stroll.
OK, and box now, box now. I've got Fernando 10 seconds behind on a time lap.
Copy Esteban in. Okay mate, so we are stopping on the marks under the gantry. And switch off.
OK, mate, we've got a couple of questions. Comment shortly.
OK, mate, can we just go to dry on the multi, please, just for that outlap reference. Just got Fernando going into turn 1 now. Should be clear pit exit. Yeah, six seconds in front to Fernando. He's on a time lap now. Car behind is Pierre, just leaving the pitlane.
About 13 seconds in front is Verstappen on a slow lap.
Okay, so front tyres a little cooler than the rears, so we're happy to force the fronts a little more just to try and build their temperature relative to the back. So Verstappen in front seven seconds on a slow lap and then Magnussen in front of him on a slow lap as well. I'm not sure yet if they're doing single or double cools.
I believe Verstappen is boxing. Car in front, Magnussen. We do have Hulkenberg on a time lap six seconds behind as well. He's the only car that's any traffic.
I'm not sure what Magnussen is doing. Hulkenberg time lap coming through now.
Okay, so Hulkenberg 1.5 behind, Tara on the multi and we're good to push. No other traffic behind.
OK, recharge on and box this lap. Clear of traffic behind at the moment. Pierre is just finishing a time lap 15 seconds behind. Can we do an aero cruise after turn 5, please? Copy. Run out of energy completely. Going on throttle for last corner. Yeah, copy that. We'll look to make an adjust for the next lap.
So, aero P4, fifth gear if you can.
We'll have Russell coming through this lap. He's about 14 seconds behind on a time lap now. So P10 with that lap so far. Pierre's second lap was a 26.08, so two hundredths slower. He was a little quicker in the first sector, so we'll have a look at that overlay when you're back in.
Russell, seven seconds behind now. Time lap, he's the only car that will be trafficked to us. Any comments on balance, please?
A little bit more understeer in the corner of turn 1 there.
Ok, copy that. So Russell just coming through now. Ok, that's good.
Clear from traffic behind, let's box now. We'll continue with the plan at the moment. I'll run through what our options are when you're back in.
OK, so box now. No traffic behind us. And we'll be stopping under the gantry.
OK, we'll get a couple of comments when you're plugged in. I'll explain what we're looking to do.
Okay, so you've got Piastri just behind pit exit. We have got Magnussen on the start-finish straight doing a slow lap, so we're clear of traffic at pit exit. Verstappen in front has just finished a time lap six seconds up the road. Tire temps are a little high this time, particularly at the back, so just nice and gradual on those strong lap applications.
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Okay, so we can obviously drop below the max lap time. If you go to dry on the multi you'll get an idea of what that is.
Okay, so all cars behind outlaps at the moment. If you want to keep your max speed down to turn 9 at 200 kph, so the top left number on the dash, that will just help bring everything under control. The only car to watch for at the moment is Stroll out there who's high fuel by the looks of it. He's about eight seconds behind.
Behind him is a 10 second gap to Perez who's on high fuel as well, so if Stroll comes past we can drop back into Perez's window and then go. Stroll two seconds now.
OK, mate, so we can back up towards Perez. That should give us a gap enough to stroll.
OK, mate, so we just need brake 3 and tyre on the multi. We've got Stroll about, uh, Perez about six seconds behind now. We can continue making the gap. Perez, four seconds.
OK, let's push it.
OK, recharge on and box please. Recharge on and box. That's P8 currently. Not bad for a third lap on a tyre.
We just need to watch for Perez on high fuel. He is five seconds behind.
Watch braking turn 6. Copy that. Not the best, I think. Copy that. Watch Perez, three seconds behind.
Car behind Perez is Piastri. He's just finished a time-lap. We will have Sainz coming through on high-field at some point. He's about eight seconds behind them. Understood. So we'll look at turn 6 braking.
What do you think on the Mech-Bal step we talked about before this run?
Yeah, a little bit probably. Understood. Sainz five and a half behind. He's high fuel running. Just need to watch for him.
Okay, next car coming through is Tsunoda. He is on a time lap low fuel. He's five seconds back.
Okay, so Tsunoda two and a half behind. Let's box now. Clear behind Tsunoda.
Okay mate, we'll be stopping under the gap tree.
OK mate, we'll just wait to be plugged in and I'll get back to you shortly.
OK, mate, so at pit exit, we'll be quite close to Sainz, who's on high fuel. Obviously, he's lapping 1.30. He'll be quite a bit quicker than us. We'll be able to drop back towards Hamilton, who's about 30 seconds behind him, so we should get a decent gap in front. Sainz is just going into turn 2 now, so he'll come out in front.
Okay, so Pierre 5 seconds behind leaving the pitlane. Hamilton and Leclerc about 20 seconds behind on high fuel. They're very close together and then there's a big 20 second gap behind them as well, so if they did come past we could make a gap to them.
So, gap in front 15 seconds. Gaps are Hamilton and Leclerc, about 15 still.
So, main thing to focus. Again, good drive through 15 and 16. Leclerc, now the first car on high fuel. He's 12 seconds behind.
Gap behind 8 seconds. Big gap in front. So we just need tyre on the multi and good drive through 15.16. Gap behind 5.5.
Come on, let's push.
OK, recharge on and box, recharge on and box.
Okay, so clear of traffic behind.
Russell on a new tyre, I believe, just on the outlap. He'll be on low fuel this time.
So, Pierre's last lap a 25.3, 25.3, so just over a tenth slower.
I picked up a little bit of understeer in the middle of the hotel. OK mate, understood. We'll have a think about how we can correct that for the next run.
And the grip wasn't great, 6-7.
Understood, mate, understood. Clear of traffic behind.
Okay mate, so we are boxing now. For info, we are P3 at the moment, Pierre P5. There's still a few cars to go out and run a new set. Looks like they're saving it right for the end of the session. Most important thing is a good feel for balance here, so let's box now please.
Stopping under the gantry once again. Come on, Ian.
OK, mate, so while we're plugging the car in, just have a think about what you'd like for flap angle for the next run. On the same set, we are just going to have a look at understeer.
B-Bal offset refusal modifier.
Yeah, I think Stuart can explain a little bit more about that. We probably need, yeah, a photon.
Okay, so dry on the multi please, dry on the multi.
If you can push up to the safety car 2 line, please. Just got Bottas going into turn 1 on a slow lap now.
Got a 10 second gap in front. Watch for Sargeant coming through, he's high fuel. Correction, no he's not, he's low fuel. Slow lap. Hold this position.
The sergeant could well be boxing if he pushes past, that's fine. So 200 kph down to 6.
In front, we've got Magnussen. Four seconds. He is doing a double cool. He's going to be on a slow lap again next time. It'll be good to go past him.
So Sargeant will be boxing. If we go in front of Magnussen, there's a good gap in front to Russell, who will be pushing next time. And can we go SOC 6, please, SOC 6.
Gap in front to Russell, who will be starting in time lap this time, is 9 seconds. Only him to go. Sargeant will be boxing. We're in a good position here.
So we can go brake 3 and tyre on the multi and we're good to push, no traffic behind. Good drive through 15-16.
OK mate, and let's box now. We have Albon seven seconds behind starting a time lap this time. Apologies on the traffic, a load of cars left the pitlane as we were on our way round.
So Albon, four seconds timed lap. So Pierre didn't improve on that second run on this city, he was a couple of tenths down. What was the time? So Pierre's second lap was a 25.4 for reference, 25.4.
Okay, we've got Bottas on a cool lap behind, so no traffic at the moment. We'll be boxing this time.
Well, remember, it's on the aero crease.
Leclerc five seconds behind timed lap. Big gap behind him.
Leclerc 2 seconds, 9 seconds behind him. And box.
Turn in. Stopping under the gantry and going to P1.
OK mate, so we'll just wait for the car to be plugged in and we'll get a couple of comments.
So we might have Sainz starting a time lap. He's just going into turn 1 now. He'll come out about 6 seconds behind you. So we just need to watch for him. Sainz, 5.5 timed lap. Clear behind him about 12 second gap to the next car. Sainz, 4 seconds.
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Okay, so I'd like a fairly steady lap round to the chequered flag, please. That'll help keep tyre temperatures down, which are high at the moment. It'll also help make a gap to Pierre so we get a pit stop. So no need to push this lap at all. Next car coming through that's pushing is Joe. He's about six and a half behind on a time lap low fuel.
Piastri directly behind us on an outlap.
So, Zhou's coming through now. Three seconds and then there's a 20 second gap.
No need to push at this point, we keep bringing those rear temperatures down.
Checkered flag is out. No traffic behind, no cars pushing everyone on outlaps.
Okay, so we'll continue around steadily to the grid to do a start on the left-hand side.
Rear tyre temps are on target at the moment, so we can keep minimal energy on the way round.
We're building up a decent gap to Pierre as well, so we should get a practice pitstop at the end of the in lap.
OK, so we're going for four burnouts, please. Four burnouts. Rear temps are on target. We're going for a start on the left-hand side and then pushing to pit entry.
OK, mates, so pushing pit entry, boxing this lap, practice pitstop.
The battery is flat, so you still want to push or not? Keep pushing, please.
OK, no launch, no launch.
Okay, we're good.
Okay, so finished up P7 in the end. Leclerc and Verstappen less than a tenth away up to P5, so not too bad. Plenty of room for improvement as well still. We'll get a couple of comments if you've got any when we're plugged in, otherwise you can jump out.
Radio check. Yeah, radio check all good.
Yep, load and clear for me as well. We've got a brake pad at 57.
Yeah, copy.